Research and development

SKB UKRELECTROMASH was in the former USSR the general design bureau on development, projecting, manufacturing of pilot and small batches of special-purpose electric motors, as well as wide range of general-purpose electric motors of small and middle heights of axis of rotation. In the technical archive of the company are more than 150 operating specifications (sets of design documentation) for more than 2000 types of electrical engineering products of the highest technical level. On the basis of design documentation of the SKB electric motors are still manufactured at the majority of electrical engineering companies in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR (including nuclear power plants). At present, the SKB UKRELECTROMASH is the leading Ukrainian manufacturer and developer of: unique in their design, electrical, mechanical and other parameters special electric motors that are used in life support systems for underwater and surface vessels, mining equipment, air defense systems, nuclear power plants, railway locomotives and other fields of technology and economics; and also, general industrial electric motors of small and medium heights of axis of rotation, generators, electric pumps, high-speed electric turbo compressors, other aggregated devices integrated with the electric drive. The "calling card" of the special electric motors developed by the SKB Ukrelectromash is their "low noise" (extremely low level of mechanical vibrations and acoustic noise of electric motor elements) and "low-magnetic" (extremely low level of the electromagnetic field around the electric motor), which provides special properties of special equipment, which fully meet the most modern requirements, both civil and military. The SKB Ukrelectromash can supply electric motors in the range of heights of axis of rotation from 56 mm up to 355 mm, with capacities from 370 W up to 200 kW, with speeds from 100 rpm up to 30,000 rpm. Electric motors can be carried out in any climate version with any degree of protection (and explosion protection), as well as specially designed for frequency control. The SKB Ukrelectromash has in its content a Test Center, which has no analogues in Ukraine, equipped with automatic stands and special testing equipment, including stands of its own production, which allow carrying out comprehensive tests of special and general industrial electric motors: electromagnetic, vibro-acoustic (including special acoustic chambers with an accuracy of 0.1 dB), mechanical (including shock up to 150g (!), vibrating up to 1000 Hz, periodic shock with a frequency of 120 bpm), heat and climatic tests in special chambers etc. The design of electric motors in the SKB Ukrelectromash is carried out using one of the most modern automated CAD / CAM / CAE / PLM / PDM systems, consisting of 52 software products for various purposes on a single software platform of the American company RTS (Windchill / ProEngineer / ProMechanica etc.) integrated with specialized complex of electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal calculations of electric motors. The SKB UKRELECTROMASH supplies products of special-purpose to the countries of CIS and Europe through the structures of Ukroboronprom concern, including Ukrspetsexport, with which it cooperates for a long time. The company has its own complete technological cycle of production, including stamping, aluminum casting, winding and impregnation, machining, painting, assembling and testing. At all stages of manufacturing the products go through the technical control, where is necessary customer acceptance. At the final stage, the products pass acceptance tests, and, if necessary, deeper tests. At the same time, the company applies outsourcing for those units and technological areas that go beyond its dimensions or other technological characteristics for the capabilities of existing equipment. A huge archive of developments, great practical experience in the creation of special-purpose electric motors, ability to quickly and efficiently develop new equipment, allowed to the SKB Ukrelektromash to gain a strong reputation as a leading developer of electrical products and a reliable partner for many customer companies. MORE

Department of turbine technologies was created in July, 2009, in the frames of realization of engineering strategy of development of the UPEC Industrial Group, as a result of long-term cooperation of the UPEC with scientific and manufacturing company “Turbo Vesta”, headed by the present Head of the Department, Petrosyants Vartan. The department is developing a fundamentally new generation of alternative heat engineering devices, freon-free refrigeration equipment, electric turbo compressors and other thermal engineering equipment of the hi-tech class for usage in a wide range of industries, building and other spheres, including economics. The new generation of heat engineering equipment is based on fundamental thermodynamic statements and high-precision mathematical modeling, using several know-how of the air-conditioning system cycle (ATT), unique technologies and includes the most modern components from several areas of high-tech equipment: High efficient compressor stages; High efficient turbine stages; High-speed electric motors; aerodynamic bearings; High efficient heat exchangers of the new design; automatic control devices. Department of turbine technologies creates machines and aggregates, which are based on a unique combination of know-how of the company in several areas of engineering knowledge and actively developing areas of technology: Modeling and optimization of high efficient turbine compressors; Usage of high-speed high efficient electric motors; Calculation and designing of contact-free bearings; Usage of modern high efficient heat-exchanging devices; Modeling and optimization of thermal technical schemes. MORE

24.06.15 on the initiative of the UPEC Industrial Group was created the first in Ukraine "Agrotechnika" Innovative Educational Cluster in the field of introduction of modern land-processing technologies, development and production of domestic energy-saving agricultural equipment, higher education, research and innovation in agro-industrial complex. The general aim of agrocluster creation is unification of the efforts of the leading private industrial and agro-industrial enterprises, agrarian universities of Ukraine, engineering centers, as well as state and local government bodies for the development and production of domestic energy-saving agricultural machinery and its promotion at the domestic and foreign markets, creation of new jobs, raising the technical level of higher education, transferring technology and implementing innovations in the agro-industrial sphere, improving interaction with authorities to develop effective policies to support domestic producers of agricultural technology. MORE

UNPK "Tehnograd"
The Industrial Group UPEC, one of the biggest companies in Ukraine engaged in machine-building business and one of most competent technical educational institutions of Ukraine- National Engineering University "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (KhPI)" signed an agreement about establishing an Educational-Research and Production Complex (UNPK) "Technograd". UNPK "Tekhnograd" is intended to restore at a new level fruitful links among science, production and education that existed in the past and is a special form of cooperation between the Industrial Group UPEC and National Engineering University "KhPI". The first project in a series of educational programs within the framework of the UNPK "Tekhnograd" was creating a specialized training class, the result of cooperation of the National Engineering University "KhPI", IG UPEC, РТС (USA) and Pro/TECHNOLOGIES (Russia). This class is designed for training high-skilled specialists for the real sector of the economy, first of all, of the machine-building industry, who immediately after graduation will be able to begin work on solving complicated engineering and production assignments. Training will be carried out by original curriculums with utilization of experience and methods of world-wide famous Massachusetts Technological Institute (USA) and Bauman Moscow Higher Technological Institute (Russia). To create a regional program of energy-saving, carry out technical energy audit, execute projects and programs of energy saving in Kharkov region is one of the most important scientific areas of research of the UNPK "Tekhnograd". To this end within the framework of the UNPK "Tekhnograd" a Consortium "Energoeffektivnost’" was established together with specialized consulting and engineering enterprises. The Consortium is supposed to become an infrastructure site of Kharkov and the Region’ for resolution of these pressing problems. Within the framework of the project training and improving qualification of engineering and scientific personnel will be implemented in compliance with requirements of modern science and production, and also research and designing work will be conducted on creating new science-based and competitive machinery. To unite scientific pedagogical and scientific-production personnel of close specialties as well as facilities and equipment, scientific-methodological and science-production resources for effective execution of educational, scientific and other assignments of the higher educational school is one more target of the Project. President of the Industrial Group UPEC Anatoliy Girshfeld emphasized the idea that competitiveness and economic effectiveness of operation of the Industrial Group as well as of the whole real sector of the economy of Ukraine to a great extent depends on implementation of up-to-date researches and engineering designs into production. Also we believe it is important to preserve succession of engineering knowledge: together with KhPI we are elaborating syllabuses of education and practice for students in order to replenish and renew the engineering staff of enterprises of the Industrial Group, - he said. One of initiators and organizers of establishing "Tekhnograd" Director of R&D-centre of UPEC INDUSTRIAL GROUP Eduard Simson declared, that the main task of "Tekhnograd" is to restore succession of "best Kharkov traditions of science and production integration". But we build this cooperation on a new base, on that up-to-date level and technologies which are characteristic for leading world universities and engineering centres of large industrial companies to a great degree ensuring their competitive position on the markets, - he said. Within the framework of research area of "Tekhnograd" activity the following assignments will be realized: Development of projects of power saving, implementation of modern energy saving technologies and launching output of new energy-saving objects of production; Development of new and improvement of the existing designs of bearing assemblies; Research in the area of new materials and improvement of chemical and heat treatment of parts of machines and assemblies; Development of mechatronic, adaptive, contactless bearings and support assemblies of rotor machines; Creation and putting into production of new types of electric machines and electric drives Development of adaptive systems of optimal control for numerically controlled machines of new generation; Research in the area of foundry production; Development of new units and mechanisms for tractor , automobile, harvester and agricultural equipment; Wide implementation of integrated systems of automatic design and information follow-up of the life cycle of CAE/CAD/CAM/PLM item; Development of special-purpose instrumentation and testing equipment.

Research And Development Center
The Joint Engineering Centre (JEC) was established in 2008 to implement a new strategy of the UPEC Industrial Group, focused on the priority of engineering knowledge, development and manufacture of innovative products with a high intellectual level and, as a result, high value added. The UPEC JEC performs basic and applied research and generates know-how for the UPEC Industrial Group and its Engineering Centers. The Center is equipped with advanced software systems, knowledge bases, while the JEC staff, most of whom are Doctors (Dr.Sc.) and Candidates (PhD) of Science, has unique experience in conducting sophisticated research for aerospace and defense industries, energy and transport engineering, as well as other sectors of the economy. The JEC performs the most complex calculations and analysis, mathematical simulation for all product areas of the Industrial Group, together with the UPEC’s specialized engineering centers it takes designs to the prototype stage, simulates and optimizes basic technological processes; in cooperation with the leading European companies it develops new technologies and accompanies supply of the latest hi-tech equipment; tests them at the Testing Center and specialized experimental laboratories. The Joint Engineering Center is headed by prof. Eduard Simson, member of the Board, R&D Director, Academician of Eng. Academy of Ukraine, Laureate of the National State Award, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, holder of the Ya.Mudrogo order, author of monographs and over 250 scientific papers in the field of optimization of complex structures under dynamic loads. One of the most important task of the JEC is search, selection, verification and engineering support of the competitive advantages of the Company's to be put during the product planning stage to ensure high performance of technical level, offering optimal operating parameters, strength, durability, innovative modes of operation, energy-efficient operation etc. International partnership in R&D Due to the significant level of its fundamental research and applied development, the UPEC JEC gained wide international popularity. At the same time the JEC regularly attracts leading European engineering companies for outsourcing to develop separate units and technologies. Approximately 30 leading European engineering and more than 15 international production companies are involved in strategic developments of JEC. Two projects of UPEC Industrial Group received the status of the World Premiere at Innotrans 2012 and 2014, the largest railway exhibition. One project is nominated to Innovation Award of the greatest international agro-exhibition Agritechnic-2017. The Joint Engineering Center includes: The Center for Mathematical Simulation (R&D) The Center for Integrated Engineering Automation (the largest project of the integrated CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP/PLM/PDM system was implemented in Eastern Europe and CIS, using the PTC software platform) The Center for Information Technology, Financial and Economic Analysis Automation, Enterprise Resource Planning (IT&ERP) The Ukrainian Design-Engineering Bureau of Bearing Industry (UKTB PP) The Experimental Design Bureau of Grinding Machines (OKBShS) The Special Design Bureau for Electric Engineering (SKB Ukrelectromash) The Ukrainian Design Bureau of Transmission and Chassis (UKBTSh) The Air Turbo Technology Department (ATT) Research and development center The main goal of the Research and Development Center is assistance for companies and engineering centers of the UPEC Industrial Group in its constant orientation on manufacturing of extremely high technology, highly profitable and competitive products, conducting of research, important for development of new designs of vehicles, components and units, providing of the UPEC companies with modern methods and program tools for calculations and optimal design process. A wide range of special research and innovative developments performed in cooperation with UPEC’s specialized engineering centers and R&D-partners (including development of special greases and sealing systems; highly efficient renewable energy and life-support systems, climate systems, hybrid transmissions, testing rigs, which simulate the most realistic operating conditions, etc.). The Motto of the R&D Center “intellect, embodied in metal” perfectly reflects the general dual overall challenge, which is to carry out fundamental and applied research on mathematic and free-size physical models, and further to embody the results of these studies into new designs and technological developments brought into mass production. Mathematical simulation, analysis and optimal design services Development of complex multidisciplinary finite element models of parts and assemblies for complex machines and devices with high level of elements’ interconnections (including for transport industry: railway car, bogie, side frame, bolster, side bearings, axle box, adapter with elastomeric pad, bearings, draft gears, electric drives and generators, electric turbocompressors, climate systems, electric pumps, gearboxes, hybrid hydro- and electromechanical transmission, special test rigs, etc.). A comprehensive range of analysis: static (linear and non-linear); dynamic (resonance, impact, non-stationary, non-linear); fatigue; tribology; heat transfer; electromagnetic and others. Optimal design of the shape and other variable parameters of machines, assemblies and parts basing on the Pareto-compromise between requirements for energy efficiency, long service lifetime, strength, reliability and cost restrictions. Mathematical simulation of technologies (casting, hot and cold forging, rolling, heat treatment, machining, special chemical heat treatment, high-frequency induction hardening, etc.) and optimization of technological modes based on energy efficiency, lower material consumption, higher geometric accuracy, pre-defined material structure and surface integrity. Examples

The main goal of the CAD/CAM/PLM center is realization of automation projects of engineering and technological preparation and computer assistance of engineering activity for companies, engineering centers and design bureaus of the UPEC Industrial Group. Achievement of the tasks is provided by the introduction of the world's most popular product for development of products based on the integrated CAD/ CAM/ CAE solutions of the Pro/ENGINEER system. The center is represented by: CAD/CAM group: for engineering preparation of production (including design, engineering and reengineering, creation and maintenance of databases); The CAPP group: for technological preparation of production (including the introduction of the CAD system of the CCI "Vertical" and integrated universal technological directories); The PLM/PDM group: for maintenance of engineering activities at all stages of the product life cycle (Windchill system); A highly professional team of experts, design engineers, technologists and managers of the CAD/ CAM/ PLM Center, who has access to the world's best practices, has knowledge of management processes, training methods and work on adaptation of software complexes in accordance with the specifics of the company, as well as using the accumulated knowledge bases, professionally solves many problems connected with the introduction of integrated automation of machine building at the enterprises of the UPEC Industrial Group.

IT Center
The main goal of the IT center is the development of information technologies and information infrastructure of the companies of the UPEC Industrial Group in accordance with business needs, as well as the administration and support of the uninterrupted functioning of the used IT services. IT center is represented by: Department of development and implementation of information systems is engaged in the implementation, development and support of corporate configurations of accounting and ERP systems on the platform of "1C: Enterprise 7.7.", "1C: Enterprise 8.1.", "1C: Enterprise 8.2.", "1C: Enterprise 8.3.". The IT Development Department is responsible for planning and coordinating of projects for the development of IT infrastructure and corporate IT services, administrating and supporting corporate IT resources, coordinating the activities of IT departments of all company’s enterprises. The Information Systems Operation Department is responsible for administrating and supporting of IT infrastructure and IT services at the company's head office The main tasks of the IT center can be identified as follows: Implementation of a complex system of operational and accounting registering (including the calculation of the actual cost of manufactured products with semi-finished method) on the 1C platform in all production assets of the company. The total number of users is about 400. Currently, the implemented solutions are being developed in the direction of planning and budgeting. Further development of the corporate network using high-level communication equipment in order to increase the reliability, throughput and expansion of the provided services. Realization of the project for the implementation of the basic ITIL processes: "service level management", "incident management", as well as "configuration management" in all IT departments of the UPEC Industrial Group.

Certification and research testing services for bearing units
Such a complex task as designing of a new generation long-life and energy-efficient bearing units cannot be solved without reliable experimental verification of mathematical simulation results and final confirmation of the product’s technical level by certification tests. For this purpose, the UPEC Industrial Group in its Testing Center has established the unique research and certification laboratory for bearing units. The laboratory is equipped with three testing rigs completely designed on mechatronic assemblies (in cooperation with Beckhoff) and two rigs with traditional hydraulic loading systems (in cooperation with Blumenbecker). The testing rigs are designed not only to determine gamma-percentile time to failure of axle bearings, according to GOST certification methods and European safety regulations EN 12082, but also to perform a wide range of researches. Among the important characteristics of these testing rigs there is a possibility to simulate specific static and dynamic loads and skewness inherent in three-element designs of bogies and “1520 gage” operating conditions. Automated Control System for testing rigs as well as monitoring of information make it possible to change test programs easily and provide on-line access throughout the testing process.

Specialized engineering centers
The Joint Engineering Center of the UPEC Industrial Group coordinates activity of four specialized engineering centers: The Ukrainian Design-Engineering Bureau of Bearing Industry (UKTB PP) The Experimental Design Bureau of Grinding Machines (OKBShS) The Special Design Bureau for Electric Engineering (SKB Ukrelectromash) The Ukrainian Design Bureau of Transmission and Chassis (UKBTSh) The Air Turbo Technology Department (ATT) We strive to become an engineering partner for our customers: to improve traditional products and develop new products in close cooperation with engineering services of customers.

Ukrainian bearing industry design and technology bureau
Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (UKTBPP) LLC Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (LLC UKTBPP), which is a part of the UPEC Industrial Group, specializes on the design of rolling bearings and equipment for their manufacturing. Structure of the Bureau: Ball bearings design bureau; Roller bearings design bureau; Standardization, design and normative documentation bureau; Department of non-standard equipment and automation of manufacturing processes; Main directions of design: single row and double row deep groove ball bearings cylindrical roller bearings with short rollers angular contact roller tapered bearings angular contact ball bearings double row deep groove spherical ball bearings Bearings, developed by the UKTBPP, are applied in agricultural machinery, automotive, railway and other engineering industries. For all developments it is used the integrated automation system of design based on the Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill software, which allows to improve the quality of developments and their support at all stages of the life cycle. The developed products meet the requirements of international standards ISO. One of the latest developments is design of the bearing for axle boxes of railway rolling stock — double radial roller bearing with short cylindrical rollers with shields (CRU Duplex) and the axle box cartridge bearing (TBU 150x250), which correspond to the characteristics of the best world manufacturers. Another direction of activity is development of nonstandard equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production processes. UKTBPP develops the metal working equipment, assembly fixtures, washing equipment, transport systems and means of mechanization of production processes for all enterprises of the UPEC Industrial Group. UKTBPP is also the parent organization (GOS 7) in Ukraine on standardization in bearing production. According to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy, since 2008 it has been developing new national standards and normative documents for the bearing products.

The Experimental Design Bureau of Grinding Machines (OKBShS)
The Experimental Design Bureau of Grinding Machines (the OKBShS), member of the UPEC Industrial Group, specializes in the design of cylindrical grinding machines, heavy and circular grinding machines of various purposes with a wide range of dimensions and weight of the machined parts, the development of new machines and modernization of the machine tools manufactured earlier by the Kharkiv Machine-Tool Building Plant, as well as by the plants of Russia and Germany. Structure of the OKBShS: Department of heavy and special-purposed machines Department of cylindrical grinding machines Department of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment Department of electrical equipment Bureau of programming (for Siemens CNC systems) A programming bureau (for Mitsubishi CNC systems) Bureau of processing and storage of technical documentation Research laboratory The OKBShS is a part of the system of design bureaus of the UPEC Industrial Group, working under the guidance of the product development and design management department of the UPEC Industrial Group, and actively interacts with the engineering services of costomers of machine products. The competence and decades of experience of the team in creating of unique designs allows us to develop machines of the new generation. In our equipment are used modern design solutions and CNC systems. Maintenance of high technical level of machine tools during the whole period of their operation is ensured by the modular principle of machine building, unification of their components and systems, as well as optional assembling in accordance with customer requirements. The huge experience of the specialists of the OKBShS, wide application of methods of mathematical modeling and optimal design based on the usage of software products such as Pro/ ENGINEER, ProMechanica, Windchill, Artortext provide high quality and short terms of technical documentation development.

The Ukrainian Design Bureau of Transmission and Chassis (UKBTSh)
Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (UKTBPP) LLC Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (LLC UKTBPP), which is a part of the UPEC Industrial Group, specializes on the design of rolling bearings and equipment for their manufacturing. Structure of the Bureau: Ball bearings design bureau; Roller bearings design bureau; Standardization, design and normative documentation bureau; Department of non-standard equipment and automation of manufacturing processes; Main directions of design: single row and double row deep groove ball bearings cylindrical roller bearings with short rollers angular contact roller tapered bearings angular contact ball bearings double row deep groove spherical ball bearings Bearings, developed by the UKTBPP, are applied in agricultural machinery, automotive, railway and other engineering industries. For all developments it is used the integrated automation system of design based on the Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill software, which allows to improve the quality of developments and their support at all stages of the life cycle. The developed products meet the requirements of international standards ISO. One of the latest developments is design of the bearing for axle boxes of railway rolling stock — double radial roller bearing with short cylindrical rollers with shields (CRU Duplex) and the axle box cartridge bearing (TBU 150x250), which correspond to the characteristics of the best world manufacturers. Another direction of activity is development of nonstandard equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production processes. UKTBPP develops the metal working equipment, assembly fixtures, washing equipment, transport systems and means of mechanization of production processes for all enterprises of the UPEC Industrial Group. UKTBPP is also the parent organization (GOS 7) in Ukraine on standardization in bearing production. According to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy, since 2008 it has been developing new national standards and normative documents for the bearing products.

Joint Engineering Center 4, Marshal Batitskiy Str. 61038, Kharkiv, Ukraine +38 (057) 766-00-70