Kharkov Bearing Plant (HARP)
Kharkov Bearing Plant is one of the largest CIS manufacturers of bearing products and the only Ukrainian enterprise which manufactures bearings for railway transport.
The plant covers an area of over 45 ha, and employs about 3 000 people.
Construction of the first Ukrainian enterprise in bearing industry (in Soviet times — the 8th State Bearing Plant — GPZ-8) began in 1945 during post-war rehabilitation of the national economy.
The first line of the plant was launched on November 1, 1947.
In 1994, on the base of the 8th State Bearing Plant there was formed Joint Stock Company Kharkov Bearing Plant (JSC HARP). Since January 2000 HARP has been a member of the UPEC Industrial Group.
Kharkov Bearing Plant specializes in the manufacturing of ball bearings for agricultural, automotive, general industries and roller bearings for railway transport, as well as in the manufacturing of semi-finished products and components.
HARP is the CIS leader in manufacture of bearings for agricultural machinery engineering companies and a key supplier to transport engineering and railway industries. HARP products are also applied in the automotive, mining and electro-technical industries, as well as in mining-metallurgical complex.
Kharkov Bearing Plant manufactures over 500 types of bearings with outer diameter from 30 to 400 mm under the HARP trademark. The established capacity — about 30 million bearings per year.
HARP bearings are used by over a hundred companies in the CIS countries, Baltic States, Europe, South America, Africa and Southeast Asia.
The main development trends are: manufacture of new types of deep groove bearings with short cylindrical rollers, strengthening of its position as a manufacturer of bearings for railway rolling stock, development of ball bearings of higher accuracy class, manufacture of hot-stamped and turned semi-finished products for automotive, railway and industrial bearings.
Great manufacturing and design experience HARP to develop new advanced design solutions and to carry their quick implementation into production.
In 2009 HARP certified and started serial production of new development — doubled roller bearing of closed type, so-called "cylindrical cartridge" (CRU Duplex), which is designed for installation in axle boxes of freight cars with axle load of 23,5 ton-force. The main competitive advantages of the new product is increased maintenance interval up to 800 000 km, significant reduction of operating costs and manufacturer’s maintenance (currently used bearings provide maintenance interval up to 360 000 km and require maintenance from the railways). Thus, its price is in 2,5 times cheaper than "tapered cartridge" (TBU).

Facilities of the plant consist of the main production: manufacturing of ball and roller bearings, as well as auxiliary production: department of mechanical and energy service, stamping and tooling production, complex of specialized laboratories.
Work pieces of bearing rings are made of:
- bar and tube work pieces on turning automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, production machines and turning machines with CNC in the turning shop;
- bars by hot forging (hot forging shop) with following turning on the automatic turning machines with CNC and cold profile rolling on the rolling machines in the turning shop.
After heat treatment the rings work pieces undergo grinding on the high-precision equipment with inprocess gages and dressing diamond tool.
Such components of ball bearings as balls, cages, shields and seals are manufactured in shops of balls and cages, as well as in the shop of component parts.
HARP has a full cycle of roller bearings manufacture, which are used in railway transport. Work pieces are made in the press-forging shop on seven automatic hot forging lines. Forgings are annealed on new annealing aggregates A/SP 1200 ELTERMA, which allows to obtain uniform by size and density microstructure of work pieces, and thus to improve further machining, to reduce tolerances for the further operations, to increase durability of the products. After annealing the work pieces are turned on automatic turning machines with CNC in the turning shop.
After thermal quenching the bearings rings enter automated lines for grinding. Equipment of grinding lines has passed overhaul repair and modernization, some parts was replaced by innovative grinding machines with CNC. The technological process has been also modified, whereby preliminary grinding operations have been substituted by hard turning on new modern automatic turning machines with CNC.
The rollers are made from bars on the turning machines. After heat treatment they undergo grinding and finishing on special automatic lines. Cages for roller bearings are casted from brass, with further machining. Polyamide cages are molded on automated thermoplastic machines.
Great attention is paid to increasing of the bearing’s durability, i.e. compliance with all accuracy requirements to the parts. For this purpose:
- there are applied inprocess gages that guarantees the required high quality in the automatic operation cycle;
- obsolete and worn-out machines are replaced by modern high precision machines with CNC for turning and grinding, in particular in the turning production there have been replaced over 85% of machines;
- central measuring laboratory is equipped with modern facilities.
The plant is also equipped with devices for monitoring of the bearings parameters and their parts, sorting machines and flaw detectors for detection of surface defects.
The UPEC Industrial Group actively invests in the development of HARP manufacturing potential.
HARP has been realizing a complex project on modernization of the railway roller bearings with total estimated cost of 25 000 000 EUR.
This project aims create manufacture of the brand new high quality bearings, increasing annual output from 800 000 to 1 200 000 bearings. Moreover, as a result of modernization, HARP will be able to produce about 250 000 components for bearing manufacturers worldwide, as well as develop new generation of cartridge type bearings.
At the end of 2009, HARP has increased production of the railway bearings: the reached production capacity was 100 000 bearings per month or 1 200 000 pieces per year (previously 800 000 bearings per year).
In particular, the new equipment of leading world manufacturers — companies OKUMA and GOODWАY – was put into operation in the framework of substitution of preliminary grinding by hard turning during manufacture of railway bearings rings.
Improving of the technology process enables to halve the labour coefficient, improve the production process stability. Furthermore, it significantly improves quality and performance characteristics of the bearings.
In 2008-2010 HARP, as well as all enterprises of the UPEC Industrial Group, has implemented the integrated automation system for design and technological preparation and computer support of engineering (KSA).
This project was implemented on the base of integrated CAD/CAM/PLM-solutions and software of the platform Pro/ENGINEER – Windchill, PTC company (USA). It was also implemented a unique engineering complex based on Windchill MPMLink systems and VERTICAL, ASCON (Russia).
The main benefits of the KSA implementing: improving the accuracy and quality of products by working in a single environment — from engineering 3D models to production technology; reduction of terms of technological processes; improving the efficiency of preparation of the design and technological documentation; significant reduction of costs for design and technological preparation of production in general.
Since 2000, there has been applied the Quality Management System, corresponding to the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 for the manufacture of ball and roller bearings and bearing components.
In 2009, due to manufacturing components for SKF, the Quality Management System has been certified to meet the requirements of international standard ISO/TS 16949:2009 “Quality Management System. Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for manufacture of automobiles and spare parts".
HARP bearings for axle boxes of railway stock are certificated in the system of certification on the Federal Railway Transport (SS FZhT) that allows selling them in Russia. Also these bearings are certified in the UkrSEPRO certification system that allows supplying them for the needs of Ukrainian Railways.
HARP is among 25 best engineering companies according to rating “Top-100 of best companies in Ukraine”.
development and improvement of the products
Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (UKTBPP) is the leading centre in Ukraine, specializing centre on the design of ball and roller bearings designing for railway, automotive and other industries.
Professionalism and experience of the designers allow creating the new generation of bearings for railway rolling stock. The actual innovative developments — tapered cartridge bearing unit TBU, duplex bearing CRU, as well as special bearings for axle-boxes of locomotives.
In the partnership with the Kharkov Bearing Plant, UKTBPP improves HARP products on the basis of modern engineering solutions. It also develops nonstandard equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production process of the engineering enterprises.
UKTBPP is also the parent organization (GOS 7) in Ukraine on standardization in bearing production. According to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy, since 2008 it has been developing new national standards and normative documents for the bearing products.
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and realization of social projects at UPEC enterprises