Kharkov Electrical Engineering Plant “Ukrelectomash”
The Kharkov Electrical Engineering Plant “UKRELECTROMASH” (HELZ) is the biggest Ukrainian manufacturer of induction electric motors and wide model range of electric pumps.
The company was founded in 1932 on the base of mechanical plant “Oruzheynik”. In 1938 it was formalized as separate legal body “Kharkov electrical Engineering Plant”. Since 2001 The Kharkov Electrical Engineering Plant is in the content of the UPEC Industrial Group. More than 85 years of successful work at the local and foreign markets created for the company position of the leader of local electro technical sphere.
The HELZ manufactures more than 5 thousand design, electrical, climatic and mounting types of electric motors for all spheres of industry and agricultural complex, as well as a wide range of electric pumps. Today the HELZ is the only Ukrainian company that has assimilated the whole range of electric motors of small and medium heights.
Another important area of the company's activity is the production of a wide range of electric pumps with various applications. Among them are surface centrifugal, submersible drainage, borehole pumps and automatic pumping units based on jet-centrifugal pumps. The company also produces co-production pumps with leading European manufacturers.
The company’s products are in demand in almost all branches of industry and agricultural sector and are used in metallurgy, machine-tool building, nuclear power engineering, building, light industry, food industry, and agricultural production.

- +38 (057) 732-45-50
- +38 (057) 732-84-92
- +38 (057) 771-45-98
- +38 (050) 301-38-63
- +38 (057) 732-44-72
- +38 (057) 738-06-12

The company has a production cycle, which includes stamping, casting, mechanical, winding, assembly, painting, testing and packaging stages.
Its own tool area provides repair and maintenance of technological equipment: stamps, molds, special cutting and measuring tools and devices. Manufacturing of complex technological equipment was outsourced to specialized companies.
The production cycle begins in the preparation shops. In the stamping and winding shop, stator and rotor of the electric motor are manufactured. The workshop is equipped with presses for stamping of magnetic circuit sheets, scraping semi-automatons for assembling of stator core. In the workshop there are lines for mechanized winding and machines for automatic stator impregnation.
In the workshop of non-ferrous casting are used injection molding machines, on which are produced castings with weight up to 10 kg. The machine assembly workshop is equipped with automatic lines for machining of shaft and rotor by turning machines with numerical program control.
Manufacturing capabilities of the plant are about 50 000 electrical products per months.
In 2008-2010, at HELZ, as well as at all companies of the UPEC Industrial Group, was introduced a comprehensive system for automation of engineering and technological preparation and computer support of machine building manufacturing (KSA).
The KSA project is realized on the basis of integrated CAD / CAM / PLM solutions and software products of the Pro / ENGINEER-Windchill platform of RTS (USA). Also began to work a unique complex of technological preparation of production on the basis of Windchill MPMLink systems and VERTICAL of ASCON company (Russia).
As the main advantages from the implementation of the KSA can be the following: improving the accuracy and quality of products due to work in united environment - from engineering 3D- model up to production technology; reduction of the terms of technological processes; increasing of efficiency of design and technological documentation preparation; a significant reduction in costs for the design and technological preparation of production in general.
During last years the leading task of the HELZ was formatting of energy efficiency policy.
There are such measures as equipping the company's units with local screw compressor units to reduce the loss of compressed air and reduce energy consumption with the use of secondary heat from local compressor units (refusal of centralized compressor, technical re-equipment of the local boiler house for reducing of heating costs; replacement of lighting devices with more efficient and energy-saving ones; implementation of automated control of discharge of energy resources.
Since December 2002, HELZ has a quality system that meets requirements of the international quality standard ISO-9001: 2001. The certified quality system extends to the finished products, intermediate operations for observing geometry of the products and electrical parameters and to the input control of all materials. In 2005 the company became a laureate of the national competition "Vyshcha Proba", and the electro-technical products of TM "HELZ" were awarded the Ukrainian quality mark "Vishcha Proba".
The Manufacturing and Engineering Center "Ukrelectromash",, which is a part of the UPEC Industrial Group, is a leading Ukrainian developer of general- and special-purpose electric motors of small and medium heights. It was founded in 1963.
Special-purpose electric motors, manufactured by the SKB, are used in life support systems for sea vessels, railway locomotives, nuclear power plants, including those operating under extreme climatic conditions. Electric motors , manufactured by the SKB, operate in 40 countries of the world.
The SKB is equipped with the necessary test and stand equipment, has its own pilot production. The SKN applies modern CAD-programs, Pro / ENGINEER, and set of calculation programs "Sprut" for design and development.
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and realization of social projects at UPEC enterprises