Ukrainian Casting Company (ULK)
The Ukrainian Casting Company is the youngest company of the UPEC Industrial Group. It was established in 2004 on the base and at the premises of the casting and mould-making shops of the Kharkov Machine-Tool Building Plant.
ULK manufacturing capabilities are represented with a complex for steel and iron casting manufacture. The company manufactures castings of any complexity with weight from 500 grams to 20 tons from gray iron, and with weight from 500 grams to 1 ton from ductile iron or steel.

- +38 (057) 703-34-85
UPEC – authorized distributor
- +38 (057) 766-00-51

The casting complex consists of the following areas and production lines:
- Small castings area with sand molding for castings weighting from 0,5 to 25 kg.
- Medium castings area with cold-hardening mixtures (from 25 to 200 kg) and liquid-glass molding (from 25 kg to 2 t).
- Heavy castings area for castings weighting from 2 to 20 t with sand molding.
- Models shop.
- Core shop.
- Melting area.
- Finishing area.
Medium castings area is equipped with the OMEGA molding line and molding machines mod. 234, 235 (SIBLITMASh). Automatic molding line OMEGA (Great Britain) is designed for the manufacture of casting molds and cores from the cold-hardening mixtures (furan process). The capacity is 15-20 molds/hour.
In the heavy castings area there is used quite simple and proven method which ensures good results. The area is equipped with sand slinger, which allows to cast both in soil and molding boxes. The molds are made of sand-clay mixtures with further drying and painting. The cores are made of cold-hardening mixtures.
The models shop specializes in the manufacture of wooden and metal models for own production.
Core shop is equipped with modern core machines OMEGA and LAEMPE, which allow to produce cores weighing from 0,1 to 40 kg by amin-process. The L100x continuous screw mixes is used for the manufacture of bigger cores (up to 1000 kg).
Melting shop consists of two double-crucible induction furnaces EGES (Turkey) with capacity of 1 and 3 tons per hour. The furnaces are designed for melting of gray and ductile iron, steel.
Manufacturing facilities also include cleaning shop and finishing shop, which are equipped with rattle barrel and blast barrel, shot-blasting chamber, rough grinding machines.
Quality control includes:
- Analysis of incoming materials.
- Analysis of physical and mechanical properties of molding mixtures, in particular permeability, moisture, strength.
- Research of the alloys microstructure.
- Chemical analysis of dip sample (SPECTROMAX).
- Check test piece testing for tensile strength (machine R-20), yield stress, impact strength (impact pendulum MK-30), hardness (gauge TSh-2).
In 2008-2010 ULK as all enterprises of the UPEC Industrial Group has implemented an integrated automation system intended for automation of all design and technological activities, based on a software platform (KSA).
The KSA project was realized on the basis of integrated CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM systems and Pro/ENGINEER—Windchill software (PTC, USA). There was also implemented the unique complex for production preparation on the basis of Windchill MPMLink and VERTICAL (ASKON, Russia).
The main advantages of the system are: improved precision and quality of products, as all the works are done in the unified environment – from a 3D-model to manufacturing technology; reduction of terms of technological processes; more effective preparation of the design and technological documentation; significant reduction of cost for production preparation in general.
In 2008 the company implemented the Quality Management System which corresponds to International Standard ISO 9001:2000. In March, 2009 the ULK has passed audit with the purpose to implement the 2008 revision.
In July, 2009 the central laboratory was attested by the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, which was confirmed by the audit.
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and realization of social projects at UPEC enterprises