Nuclear power industry
In countries of East Europe, in Ukraine and Russia there are several types of power plants: heat power plant, central heating power plant, hydro power plant and nuclear power plant. Among the other types nuclear energy industry occupies special place, demanding increased safety measures, and at the same time, in case of observance of safety measures, is the most effective, cheap and ecological industry.
That is why success of the modern NPP depends from combination of technological effectiveness and reliability. Old enterprises have a problem with modernization of equipment, but technical re-equipment is tightly related to necessity of implementation of new business models, new view and market understanding.
Engineering and Manufacturing Canter “SKB UKRELECTROMASH”, which is a part of the UPEC Industrial Group, is a leading Ukrainian developer and manufacturer of general- and special-purpose electric motor of small and medium sizes. Because of close relationship with customers can find solutions for any industrial peculiarities of specified NPP.
- For electric drives situated in containment areas of NPP, Engineering and Manufacturing Canter “SKB UKRELECTROMASH” proposes induction electric motors of AIRB71A1, AIRB80A1 and AIRB100A1 types.
- For operation in armoring drives, situated under the protection cover of nuclear sector of NPP, located in any climatic region, Engineering and Manufacturing Canter “SKB UKRELECTROMASH” developed induction electric motors of 4АС71А5-4АС100А5 types.
- For operation from AC 220/380 V frequency of 50 Hz in drives of equipment and armoring, situated under the protection cover of reactor of “Loviiza” NPP in Finland, were designed such models of electric motors as 4АХ71А4А1, 4АХС71В4А1, 4AC100S4A1.

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- +38 (050) 301-38-63