LIRA - the way of the legend

The debut of the machine was in 2000 at the International Agricultural Exhibition and Fair in Chubinskoe, Kiev region. For 20 years, LIRA has been noted for successful premieres and participation in Ukrainian and foreign exhibitions, won many awards, became “The best national product of the year”, was entered into the Technical Register for compliance with high-quality standards of the CIS countries.
LIRA - it's 20 years of customer confidence, hundreds of positive and appreciative feedbacks from farmers, the presence on markets in more than 20 countries around the world.
Amazingly, but many farms still have the first machines made 10, 15 and even 20 years ago and they are successfully used on the field!
In the spring tooth harrow, farmers most of all appreciate reliability, ease of use, effective work and wear resistance of the working sections.
In the words of Aleksey Grinenko, Chief Designer of the Ukrainian Transmission and Chassis Design Bureau (UKBTSH), LIRA global advantage over any such machine is simplicity and unique spring-tooth technology with double hardening, thanks to which the harrow can work on winter crops without damaging them.
Alexey Grinenko also described how LIRA has developed. “The ideology of the machine has remained unchanged even after 20 years,” he says. - The seriously advanced technology of spring teeth manufacturing. Due to the use of special steel with the use of double hardening, the life of the tooth of LOZOVA MACHINERY is three times higher than other manufacturers produce. In addition, we have upgraded the hydraulic system, it has become more reliable, some elements have appeared that make comfort in the use of the harrow.”
As Roman Girshfeld, Vice President of Marketing and Sales Department, noted, LIRA soon will have another stage of development. “Nowadays LOZOVA MACHINERY is working to improve the technical characteristics of the harrow. This is a large package of updates, we will equip the machine with a new folding system that meets European safety requirements, completely update the design, simplify the machine's operating properties, add other widths and continue to expand the line,” R. Girshfeld announced.
LIRA got special respect from adherents of organic farming. LAZOVA MACHINERY spring tooth harrow provides careful cultivation, weeds destruction in the “white fiber” phase, that avoids herbicide and makes it possible to grow environmentally friendly products. No wonder LIRA informally is called "mechanical herbicide."
Recall today the machine is available in two versions with a working width 15 and 24 meters.