LOZOVA MACHINERY will demonstrate in the field the CHERVONETS-8 seedbed cultivator which allows to solve such problems of the modern agriculture as soil overcompacting and overdrying. Efficient soil tillage by CHERVONETS is achieved due to a number of design advantages.
The cultivator has multifunctional plates which smooth the ridges on the field and create favorable conditions for the water-air regime in the soil. The S-shaped tines with three types of tools (wing sweep, “duck foot”, chisel) provide the best soil mixing with the following crumbling to the optimal agrotechnical sizes.
At the exposition there will be presented a new family of combined multi implements – LARI-15 drag harrow with LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow with working width of 15 meters. LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow can perform 5 operations in one pass. Due to unified frame construction the implement can be equipped with LARI drag harrow and the farmer actually gets two implements in one. In addition, LARI smoothes the field perfectly, what is very important for organic agriculture.
It is to be recalled that in 2018 LOZOVA MACHINERY joined Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and became the first domestic representative among the leading international manufacturers of agricultural implements – association members.
“Participation in the UCAB events will allow to expand domestic sales market. We compete confidently with foreign companies as our machinery is not worse than foreign analogs in the energy-efficiency and innovativeness”, – says Aleksandr Titov, Sales Director.
We invite you to visit the event and estimate the quality and productivity of LOZOVA MACHINERY implements with which MONEY WORKS!
Date of event: May, 17 2018 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Place of event: LLC Agro-Region (Gorobievka village, Boryspil district, Kiev Region).
Agrotechnology Days is an event of the association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, which aims a demonstration of the seedbed cultivators, light disc harrows and precise seeding machines from the leading international producers. The key participants are UCAB companies-members, agroproducers and suppliers of agroproduction resources, who are interested in new technologies implementation.
Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club was founded in 2017 on the initiative of 5 companies of Ukrainian AIC. Today the association occupies the first place in the domestic agro-industrial complex, uniting over 100 of the industry representatives – agro-enterprises and suppliers of agricultural implements, which are aimed to the further development of the domestic agribusiness.
LOZOVA MACHINERY is a domestic brand of tillage and seeding agricultural implements, presented by more than 10 innovative product lines, corresponding to the highest quality requirements and market demands.