At the stationary exposition LOZOVA MACHINERY demonstrated to farmers LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow, LARI drag harrow, CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator.
“Despite bad weather conditions, the visitors looked out actively implements for renewal of tillage machinery park. Many guests paid attention to implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY, – points out Sales Manager Dmitriy Yashchuk. – The visitors were interested in new as well as already known implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY – DUCAT disc harrow, LIRA spring tooth harrow etc. Around 20 farmers expressed their intentions to purchase machinery”.
Sales Manager adds that domestic farmers take such designer solutions like the ability to use LARI drag harrow as trailed implement to LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow with great interest. These implements have unified frame construction, which allows easily to modernize drag harrow in spring harrow and in other way.
Another distinctive feature is an unbelievable multitasking and uniqueness. Thus, LIRA XL can complete 5 operations in one pass. The maneuvering implement has high productivity of 25-30 ha/h. Like all implements of the tooth harrows range of LOZOVA MACHINERY, LIRA XL heavy implements have high durability and high life time of the tooth – two times high, than other producers have.
LARI drag-harrow is highly-productive by low fuel consumption – 2-3 l/ha. The implement differs by low receptivity to soil moisture, that allows the implement to work on the fields earlier than other machinery.
The visitors also paid attention to CHERVONETS-8 seedbed cultivator. The implement allows to farmers to solve the problems of modern tillage as overtighten and overdrying of the soil. Its multitasking provides loosening at the depth of seeds incorporation from 3 to 15 cm, incorporation of mineral and organic fertilizers, second cultivation and destruction of weeds and also form perfect seedbed.
The implements of LOZOVA MACHINRY match all necessary criteria and demands of modern farmings and agro-holdings. They are also included in the list of agricultural tools, which are compensated by 25% according to the national program of support of agricultural machinery producers. So we see a high interest to LOZOVA MACHINRY implements, with which MONEY WORKS!