Social standarts
“During the last year our efforts were aimed to salary increasing as well as to elimination of arrears. The tendency of salary increasing is supposed to be saved in future, – tells Vladimir Kokhanov. – In general, there was a positive dynamic in 2017. The increase of production capacity came to 83% and the sales increased by 70%”.
According to Vladimir Kokhanov, HARP optimized the costs for energy resources. The engineers and construction services of the plant have done massive works on localization of heating system of structure units of the plant. The individual energy efficient boilers were set for every building.
“Before all buildings were heated by common boiler house, so we sustained losses on heating mains and depended on one source of heat – gas. Today all buildings are heated by separate modern mini-boilers, applying solid-fuelled, electrical and gas boilers. This allows us to save up to 6,5 thousand Gcal or 70% of warmth for the heating season”, – pointed out General Director.
Improvement of social standards remains among priority issues for the plant. HARP is one of few Ukrainian enterprises which have a trade committee, and labor and social-legal relationships of workers and directions are regulated by collective agreement.
“A certain development is planned in social field. The reconstruction of changing rooms and shower cubicles continues. The rooms for relaxing and dinner are equipped in the shops. The divisions are provided with artesian drinking water, which is supplied in special bottles”, – informs Vladimir Kokhanov.
The work conditions and production standards improvements are constantly conducted. For example, last year there was established new section in the ball bearings turnery shop with new area, equipment reconstruction, optimization of production processes.
HAPR has many aims in technical reequipment. The prospective direction in 2018 is manufacture of bearings for European gauge and tapered bearings. New production lines are going to be assembled for these products. There are also conducted works on optimization of production areas of ball bearing manufacturing.
Within the program of technical reequipment the modernization of more than 40 units of equipment is planned.
The increasing capacities and development of new products require new engineers and workers. “We are ready to train the personnel in our training center. HARP is waiting for young as well as experienced specialists”, – sums up Vladimir Kokhanov.