The exhibition of agricultural machinery became a significant event of north-east region of the country. The event gathers more and more visitors and participants every year.
LOZOVA MACHINER jointly with official dealer Agromilka presented DUCAT-5 disc harrow at the stand. The implement is indispensable in agriculture, which is applied for seedbed cultivation at depth from 3 to 14 cm.
“Our exhibition stand attracted many specialists in agricultural industry. We consulted them and made agreements for further long-term cooperation, – points out the head of Sales Department Marina Kameneva. – The high interest to our wide width implements. Currently, we negotiate with farmer, who is interested in purchasing 12-meters disc harrow DUCAT-12. European producers of agricultural implements are often focused on production of small implements and can’t satisfy farmers’ needs in wide width tools. LOZOVA MACHINERY specializes in production of tillage implements for all segments and types of agriculture for every farmer needs. So, Ukrainian producer represents a full line of DUCAT disc harrows with working width from 2,5 m to 16,75 m. Today LOZOVA MACHINERY increases its share on the European market, particularly in the segment of energy efficient wide width agricultural machinery”.
LOZOVA MACHINERY is domestic company, which successfully represents agricultural engineering on the global market, offering wide line of innovative high-qualitative tillage machinery to the farmers.