“LOZOVA MACHINERY traditionally assembles units with discs from Bellota, – says Chief Designer of the Ukrainian Design Bureau for Transmissions and Chassis Aleksey Grynenko. – But today it’s a normal practice when agricultural units can be assembled with spare parts from different manufacturers upon customer’s choice, so we test discs from other manufacturers. In particular, the O.F.A.S. working tools have successfully passed three-years testing and proved that they enable to ensure good work of LOZOVA MACHINERY units”.
The O.F.A.S. tools were applied in DUCAT compact disc harrows, CHERVONETS cultivator and tested in different soil-climate areas of Ukraine.
“At the moment, we can say, that working tools from the Italian manufacturer have proved themselves very well. They have proved their durability, an extremely high level of hardness, which ensures endurance during operation on more complex soils, qualitative chopping of plant residues and loosening of the soil. According to the test results O.F.A.S. has acquired a status of approved supplier of components for LOZOVA MACHINERY”, –says the Chief Designer.
The main direction of the LOZOVA MACHINERY activities is to meet the demand of farmers in efficient agricultural machinery, which provides energy-saving soil tillage with minimal harmful impact on the soil and maximum yield for farmers. A high quality of the LOZOVA MACHINERY units is achieved due to the state-of-art production, constant quality control, new design solutions and reliable suppliers of working tools.
“O.F.A.S. is a large Italian supplier, which has been represented on the market since 1950. During testing the products proved their quality. We rely on fruitful and mutual beneficial cooperation”, – sums up Aleksey Grynenko.
O.F.A.S. S.p.a has been established in 1950, and works in the sector of the metal and mechanical industry, produces spare parts for agricultural machinery, as well as tools for gardening.
LOZOVA MACHINERY – the domestic brand of tillage and seeding machinery, represented with more than 10 innovative product lines, which correspond to the highest quality requirements and market needs.