LOZOVA MACHINERY opened the agricultural season 2017 with the presentation of new products at the Grain Tech Expo

At the exhibition LOZOVA MACHINERY presented new products, which supplement the long-beloved by agrarians range of products – the DUCAT-6 disc harrow and the LIRA XL tooth harrow in two modifications - as planer and heavy tooth harrow of 15 and 21 meters.
"The new disc harrow DUCAT-6 with a working width of 6,25 m, which we are presenting today, is 25% more efficient than our DUCAT-5 harrow and can be mounted to tractors from 170 hp", - says Roman Girshfeld, Vice President Sales and Marketing at the UPEC IG.
The harrow is assembled with 50 discs with diameter of 566 mm. The design and position of working tools provide high-quality seedbed preparation.
One of the long-awaited new products was LIRA XL heavy disc harrow, which performs 5 operations in one pass and has an adjustable tooth attack angle. Another distinguishing feature is increased durability of the tooth: three times higher than tooth from other manufacturers.
"For more than 16 years of successful work in the Ukrainian fields our LIRA spring harrows have earned the trust of farmers due to reliability and the highest quality of work", - says Roman Girshfeld.
In addition to new products LOZOVA MACHINERY presented CHERVONETS-8 cultivator for seedbed preparation, which provides unsurpassed quality of seedbed preparation just in one pass; ZLATNIK pneumatic seed drill, which can be applied for min-till, no-till and conventional seeding technologies.
"LOZOVA MACHINERY is a fast-growing brand. The development of our agricultural machinery is based on the combination of engineering traditions, innovations and advanced technologies. Innovative and energy-saving approaches to our land permeate our activities", - says Mr. Girshfeld.
The fact that LOZOVA MACHINERY is developing rapidly, and in some aspects surpasses imported machinery, is confirmed by agrarians, scientists and experts in the field of agricultural machinery.
Deputy Director of UkrNIIPIT named after Pogorelov Victor Pogoreliy notes: "Today LOZOVA MACHINERY offers the best tooth harrow with the adjustable teeth. Disc harrows keep up them in terms of innovativeness and reliability. As a person who has tested many different machines, I must say that the LOZOVA MACHINERY implements do not need advertising. Produce more – your machines will be bought for sure!"
Among the visitors of the exhibition there were many farmers, who have already tested Ukrainian tillage machines in their fields, and came to get acquainted with the new products.
"I have two disc harrows DUCAT-4 and THALER system carrier", - says Bogdan Timofeychuk, Director of the Bogdan & Co agrofirm. - There have worked 5 seasons and have proved ourselves well. We use these machines for all work types, from the cultivation immediately after the harvest, then stubbing and other operations. DUCAT-4 disc harrows show a great working speed - about 16
km/h. They are distinguished by quality spring tines. Maintenance-free bearing units are hardly damaged. When I say that we have worked for 5 seasons without additional lubricants – they don’t believe me".
The growing popularity of LOZOVA MACHINERY among agrarians is stipulated by participation in exhibitions of this kind and demonstration of machines directly "in the field", where farmers are personally convinced of the quality and reliability of the machines.
"In 2016 we took part in more than 40 exhibitions, Field Days in Ukraine, CIS countries and Europe. We organized 5 demo tours in Ukraine and our own Field Day, which has already become our good tradition, - says Mr. Girshfeld. – This year we plan to participate in more than 100 events, including our own Field Day and the largest agricultural exhibition in Germany – AGRITECHNICA-2017”.
Successful implementation of the promotion strategy allowed to successfully close 2016.
"The sales of LOZOVA MACHINERY in 2016 increased by 80% compared to 2015, and amounted to more than 250 million USD. The plan is not to slow down and to increase sales by 50% this year", - says Mr. Girshfeld.
"Participation in one of the largest agricultural exhibitions of the country Grain Tech Expo is an opportunity to present to domestic agrarians a number of complex innovative solutions and technologies for effective agriculture and show that MONEY REALLY WORKS!" – sums up Mr. Girshfeld.
Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groysman visited the booth of LOZOVA MACHINERY on February 17, where he got acquainted with the achievements of domestic agricultural engineering.