Agricultural Division Summed Up The Results Of Work With Dealers Of Lozova Machinery

The event was attended by heads of the largest trading companies in Ukraine, which specializesin the sale of agricultural machinery, - "Agroresurs", "Agrodiler", "Donsnab-Agrotehnika", "Technika and Technologii", "Technotorg", "Ukragrozapchast". The purpose of the meeting was to resume the cooperation of dealer network and Agricultural Division in 2016, as well as to familiarize partners with plans for 2017.
During the meeting Agricultural Divisionrepresented promotion system for LOZOVA MACHINERY, used in 2016, as well as themarketing strategy for the next year. There were presented new standards for designingstores. "We are actively promoting products of the LOZOVA MACHINERY brand abroad as well. Products of this brand are already sold in two strategic areas: the CIS markets andEastern Europe. Active participation in international exhibitions, conducting field days demo-tours allowed us to increase sales anddevelop dealer network in these regions", –says Marketing Director of Agricultural Division Olga Babkova.
Sales Director of Agricultural Division Aleksandr Titov noted a significant increase in sales – by 1,8 times in 2016 compared to 2015 and amounted to over than 250 mil. UAH. "The increase in sales was achieved by the expansion of the range of products, active participation in exhibitions and field days, improving the service. In particular, there were increased the number service staff, service teams and service vehicles which are equipped with all necessary tools, and the service team was supplemented by an operator", – says Aleksandr Titov.
Chief Designer of the Ukrainian Design Bureau for Transmissions and Chassis Aleksey Grynenko briefly familiarized partners with thenew products, as well as presented major renovation of serial products. "This summer theDUCAT-3 enters the market. There were successfully tested the DUCAT-6, DUCAT GOLD-8 (XL) disc harrows, and the DINAR-6,4 rotary, which sales are scheduled for thenext year. At the moment we are testing the LIRA XL-21 and LIRA XL-15 testing heavy spring harrows. This year we improved technology for tines and pivot mechanism of the DUCAT disc harrows. The THALERsystem carrier is now assembled with themarker panels and lightings, which simplifies the use of the system carrier on public roads and increases the safety of its spans at night. The SHILLING cultivators are equipped with rollers with the HARP AGRO UNIT maintenance-free bearing units since this year. In 2017, we are planning the extension of the range of rollersfor DUCAT disc harrows. All four options will have a greater weight and larger diameter compared to the current version. We plan to create a set of running gear systems formounted DUCAT 2,5/3/4", - said Aleksey Grynenko.
Aleksandr Titov informed the partners aboutthe discount system in 2017.