

Today LOZOVA MACHINERY FIELD DAY is a large-scale demonstration platform for effective, functional and high-performance equipment, the latest achievements of the agricultural industry and modern agricultural technologies.

For 6 years, our FIELD DAY has become a landmark event in the agricultural industry and a platform for agricultural innovations, rightfully earning authority and popularity not only in Ukraine.

Each event was interesting in its own way, unique and was remembered for its unique energy and festive atmosphere.

How it all began

The first LOZOVA MACHINERY FIELD DAY took place on July 30, 2015 in the Lozova district (Kharkiv region) on the basis of the private enterprise "Garant" and launched a new tradition of the company. During the debut show, 12 units of agricultural machinery of the young Ukrainian brand LOZOVA MACHINERY were presented in the field. The first high assessments of the quality and productivity of the implements were received from the leading Ukrainian agricultural experts. The first winners of valuable prizes in the draws have been determined. And a landmark event was the opening and practical start of the Agrotechnica Innovation and Educational Cluster.

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History of development

From year to year, the number of participants and guests of the Field Day is only growing, the geography of the participating countries is expanding, and the range of demonstrated equipment is increasing. In general, the agricultural event is becoming larger and more diverse in its content.

Field Day 2016 has become truly international, bringing together representatives of the agro-industrial complex from all over Ukraine, the Baltic states, the CIS and Europe. At that time, DUCAT-3 disc harrow, the FRANC-3 subsoiler and the DINAR rotary harrow were presented for the first time.

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2017 was marked by a large-scale DUCAT parade - a simultaneous demonstration of a full line of disc harrows with a working width from 2.5 to 16.75 meters. It was a spectacular strip of 70 meters in one run. Then LOZOVA MACHINERY rightfully secured the title of a fullliner, presenting a full line of disc harrows.      


The company also demonstrated its new products in operation: LARI heavy tooth drag harrow, as well as the unique DUCAT-GOLD heavy disc harrow with a working width of 8 meters, which has no analogues on the market.

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In 2018, the highlight of the Field Day was a large-scale demonstration of the entire model range of tillage and sowing agricultural machinery of the brand. The event also was the equator of a large LOZOVA MACHINERY demonstration tour – Greentour. Under this program the company took part in more than 100 agricultural events around the world and crossed the ocean for the first time.

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The company never ceases to amaze and demonstrates that the disc harrow can even be attached to a car. This duo walked superbly even on very wet soil. Since the weather that summer was distinguished by considerable rains.

The fifth anniversary LOZOVA MACHINERY FIELD DAY took place in 2019 and gathered a record number of visitors, over 1000 people. Then LOZOVA MACHINERY announced the opening of a joint business line with the British company Landquip - the production of SPRAYMARC sprayers and presented the work of the novelty in the field.

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For five years, the event has transformed into a family holiday. The guests came with their children, for whom separate entertaining and developing activities were held. To have the most comfortable rest, the company organized a playground for children. 

2020 will be remembered for a series of quarantine restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the requirements of the WHO and worrying about the life and health of people, LOZOVA MACHINERY canceled FIELD DAY and went online, holding a number of conferences, meetings, training seminars for the media, dealers and farmers.

Today LOZOVA MACHINERY is open and ready to meet with its clients and partners. LOZOVA MACHINERY FIELD DAY will be held on August 5, 2021 on the basis of the European Development Fund LLC (near the village of Valerianovka in the Lozova district of the Kharkiv region).

Traditionally, a rich program awaits guests, including demo demonstrations of the units work directly in the field with detailed consultations of the company's specialists on the application and methods of increasing the efficiency of equipment, as well as a static exhibition of machines.

The company does not change its principles and this year will also delight you with unique novelties. LOZOVA MACHINERY plans to demonstrate IMPERIAL 7 + 1 reversible plow, SOVEREIGN liquid fertilizer injection unit and the LIRA XS-9 light spring harrow.

In addition, DUCAT disc harrows, DUCAT GOLD heavy disc harrow, FRANC subsoiler, LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow, LARI heavy tooth drag harrow, DINAR rotary harrow will demonstrate their abilities. Such a powerful company will be complemented by a series of cultivators: FLORIN field cultivator and the SANTIM inter-row cultivator. KELT XXL tractor semi-trailer, ALBION XL semi-trailer and SPRAYMARC sprayer will also amaze with their versatility.

LOZOVA MACHINERY confidently competes with domestic and global manufacturers. The event will be attended by other companies from all over Ukraine, as well as manufacturers of imported tillage equipment. Spectators will be able to see firsthand the highest quality of work of LOZOVA MACHINERY implements.

Of course, there will also be an entertaining part. We invite everyone. We will be glad to see you!


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