X-SHIELD sealing with improved hermeticity
Developments of the Kharkov Bearing Plant — result of more than 70 years of working for the agricultural market, studying and taking into consideration all the nuances and requirements for agricultural machinery. Since the end of the 40’s of the last century HARP (at that time GPZ-8) has developed advanced at the time bearings for the agricultural sector, and from the beginning of the 60's has became a confident leader in this industry.
That’s why HARP, like no other domestic manufacturer, knows how to create really reliable bearing for heavy duty agricultural work.
Modern demand for the bearing products (bearings and units) dictates such requirements, as reliability, maintenance-free and energy efficiency. One of the key parameters is reliable sealing.
HARP has developed a series of own sealings of increased tightness X-Shield®, which provide not only the increased tightness of the bearing, but also protection against external mechanical impact. It is own patent of the company. Bearings with X-Shield have higher reliability in harsh conditions than the counterparts.
Today, the plant mass-produces the bearing for agricultural machinery under the brand name HARP-AGRO, several types of which are assembled with improved sealing of increased tightness X-SHIELD (our own patent). Such bearings have the additional index K10 in the bearing’s designation.
- External protection. The outer side of the K10 sealing is metal, thereby straw moving during operation of the harvester can not damage the sealing or get into the inner cavity of the bearing and prevent its normal operation.
Polyamide cage. Elasticity and light weight of polyamide cages positively affect the performance of bearings under shock loads, acceleration and braking, as well as at the mutual misalignment of rings. Polyamide cages have high friction and wear properties.
- Hermeticity. Agriculture machinery mostly operates in a hostile environment with dust, dirt and moisture. That’s why bearings for combine harvesters and tractors should have a higher tightness in comparison with other machines. X-SHIELD sealing allows the bearing, contacting with the dusty environment, to operate effectively even in extreme conditions of agricultural machinery exploitation and increases the service life of products.
HARP-AGRO bearings with X-Shield have been already chosen:
ROSTSELMASH combines — harvesters Acros, Torum, Vector, Niva; forage combines RSM, DON;
Agricultural machinery GOMSELMASH — PALESSE (forage, harvesters, beet, potato combines, reapers)
Agricultural machinery BOBRUISKAGROMASH