Lozova Machinery
LOZOVA MACHINERY – a wide range of modern energy efficient and innovative tillage and drilling implements.
History of the LOZOVA MACHINERY production has started in the late 90s at Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant (LKMZ).
Since 1999 LKMZ has started serial production of the ZPG-24 and ZPG-15 spring tooth harrows, which became popular in Ukraine and still have been holding leading positions among tooth harrows under the new name - LIRA.
Then the KLD stubble cultivators (now SHILLING) have been launched into production and favored by farmers.
Breakthrough came in 2009, when the first disc harrow (DUCAT) was designed and launched into production. LKMZ disc harrows are not inferior to the state-of-art foreign analogues and even surpass them in some parameters.
Original design solutions implemented in LOZOVA MACHINERY provide energy and costs efficiency of the implements.
For example, spring tines of the DUCAT disc harrows provide significant fuel savings, 3D protection of the bearing unit (excluding damages when hitting obstacles), disc self cleaning during operation (which enables operation even on wet soil without blocking).
For many farmers it is important that LOZOVA MACHINERY implements are adapted both to domestic and import tractors, so they are suitable for small farms (with low power tractors of 80-180 hp), as well as for large agricultural enterprises, focused on large-scale soil treatment (with the most powerful tractors).
LKMZ expands the line of disc harrows and other tillage machines, which are not inferior to the most modern foreign analogues, and even surpass them by some characteristics.
The next significant step is serious expansion of the product range took place in 2014, when the DUCAT-12 new disc harrow, ZLATNIK grain pneumatic seeding complex, CHERVONETS seed-bed cultivator (with a working width of 8 m) and other machines entered the market. These new machines were presented in the fall of 2014 under a new brand – LOZOVA MACHINERY.
The company does not intend to stop at the achieved – every year there are created new samples of modern tillage equipment, and after thorough testing they are launched into serial production.
In 2016, the FRANC and GULDEN subsoilers (conceptually close to the best European models) entered the market (in series), the range of DUCAT disc harrows was expanded, testing of the DINAR rotary harrow, the DUCAT XL heavy disc harrow and the LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow was completed

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