
Lozova machinery: new products in 2017
DUCAT-6 DISC HARROW – RESULT IN ONE PASS! After the DUCAT-3 harrow, presented in 2016, this year LOZOVA MACHINERY expanded the range of disc harrows with a six-meter harrow DUCAT-6. Both harrows are oriented both to Ukrainian and European markets. They are distinguished by a high speed of soil tillage at low power consumption. One of the main advantages to be appreciated by the customer – the harrows absolutely do not need maintenance, as there are no lubrication points. The DUCAT-6 is designed for tractors with power from 170 hp. The harrow is assembled with 50 discs of premium class, 566 mm in diameter, made of boron hardened steel. Discs spacing of 125 mm and low-frequency lateral tine vibrations provide cultivated seedbed, even by depth and without furrows. The harrow is used for seedbed preparation with mixing of soil and plants, and uniform distribution of straw. Due to various contour following systems and uniform loads across working tools, the DUCAT-6 is effective even on fields with rugged relief. Learn more DUCAT GOLD heavy disc harrow – GOLD STANDARD OF HARROWING DUCAT-GOLD with working width of 8 m has no analogues on Ukrainian market. It is assembled with 2 rows of serrated hemispherical discs with diameter of 724mm and thickness of 6 mm, which provide intensive mixing of the soil and plant mass, working at depth up to 20 cm. A special feature is symmetrical arrangement of discs, which eliminates side displacement at depth. Big discs diameter allows to cope with any stubble remains even al loads of 260 kg. Many years of successful application of DUCAT harrows show a great economical effect: maintenance-free HARP AGRO UNIT bearing units and individual spring-loaded 3D tines ensure 1,5 higher efficiency and savings of up to 30% in fuel consumption compared to traditional harrows. Learn more LIRA XL HEAVY SPRING HARROW – CONTINUATION OF THE LEGEND Another breakthrough of the year is a new heavy spring-tooth harrow LIRA XL (15 and 21 meters), which can be additionally equipped with a drag harrow LARI. The base is a frame with five rows of teeth, which are 16 mm in diameter and 762 mm in height, mounted on a parallelogram. The teeth have a high durability and wear resistance. Another advantage is an adjustable attack angle of 45-90˚ and pressure on the soil from 400 to 860 kg. The LIRA XL ensures 5 operations in one pass! For example, early spring harrowing and loosening of the top layer to a depth of 2-10 cm simultaneously: keep moisture; encourage germination of weeds to be destroyed; level the soil and prepare it for seeding; incorporate fertilizers and pesticides; uniformly distribute stubble remains. Parallelogram suspension of working sections allow to keep contact with a soil despite of a rugged relief. A number of design solutions significantly increases capacity of heavy tooth harrows up to 25 ha/h. The harrow can be used with tractors from 160 hp (LIRA-15) or 300 hp (LIRA-21). Learn more HEAVY DRAG HARROW LARI – PERFECT SMOOTH FIELD The LARI heavy drag harrow (15 m and 21 m) is designed for soil loosening and levelling, clods crumbling and weeds destroying. It consists of 16 (8+8) rows of tooth sections. Flexible connection of sections provides perfect contours following and eliminates their blocking. Teeth are made of special material and have a special attack angle, which ensures soil treatment to a depth of 8 cm. There can be two work regimes – active and passive. An optimal angle is 40° (50° relatively to ground), and more aggressive angle is 22°. LARI makes it possible to start field works earlier than other machines in any weather conditions. For example, unlike a seedbed cultivator, the drag harrow is almost insensitive to soil moisture, because there is simply nothing to stick and block due to design. Farmers will certainly multiply their future crop with LARI, which will keep the moisture, destroy the crust and create perfect smooth field for further works in advance. Learn more DINAR ROTARY HARROW – AERATE THE SOIL DINAR-6,4 rotary harrow consists of 72 balance-mounted star wheels. Each solid star is made of gray cast iron and has a diameter of 534 mm. Rotary harrow is used for treatment of tilled, technical and grain crops. The unit has width of 6,4 m. Required tractor power is over 110 hp. Balance mounting of working tools provides constant contact with a soil and reduces loads on bearings. Stars with the oblique teeth make it possible to control work intensity. In the first mode working tools penetrate into the soil vertically, providing soil aeration. The second mode is more intensive and used for stubble treatment. Additional spring teeth can be mounted for removing weeds in “white tread” phase. Special wheels allow to control penetration depth. Learn more CONTACT US Buy agricultural machinery: +38 (057) 738-10-14 FOLLOW US!

Ducat-6: it's time to till!
The yield of any crop depends on properly prepared soil. This is an obvious fact. And one of the most important tasks is to choose the best tillage technologies. Stubble ploughing; basic, minor, seedbed soil preparation for cereals, technical and fodder crops, for sowing of winter crops on a seeded fallow; chopping and incorporation of plant remains of previous crops and weed vegetation – all this is the specialization of the DUCAT disc harrow from LOZOVA MACHINERY - the only Ukrainian manufacturer of the full line of harrows with a working width from 2,5 to 16,75 m. DUCAT-6: IT'S TIME TO TILL! New LOZOVA MACHINERY product: 6-meter harrow DUCAT-6 The main advantage of the new harrow is an incredible efficiency - increased by 25% even in comparison with the DUCAT-5 harrow, which itself is 1,5 times more effective than conventional harrows. The harrow can be mounted to the low-power tractors from 170 hp. DUCAT-6 is equipped with 50 discs with diameter of 566 mm. The working width is 6,25 m. The harrow intensively mixes soil and plant mass, chops and distributes straw with a high durability in harsh conditions, providing good seedbed preparation. The fuel consumption is 30% lower, while efficiency is 1,5 times higher, and it is possible to work without blocking at high speeds (up to 20 km/h). DUCAT-6 is assembled with: • spring tine (protects bearing unit); • super reliable HARP AGRO UNIT (maintenance-free); • discs made of high-quality hardened boron steel from Bellota. Another important feature is no-use of disc gang with a single axis, which makes it possible to work in moisture conditions with a lot of plant mass, while blocking of inter-discs space is eliminated. A spring 3D tine protects bearing unit and enables to follow field contours, to work on fields with a lot of stones, and eliminates rising of the harrow. Thus, the DUCAT-6 disc harrow shows the best innovative solutions of our engineers, multiplying advantages of the other harrow from this line, saving you time and costs. Learn more Leaflet DUCAT CONTACT US Buy agricultural machinery: +38 (057) 738-10-14 FOLLOW US!

Engineering centers of the UPEC IG and HARP plant have completed a 10-year development of a new generation of railway cartridge bearings of extended service life for the track of 1,520 mm. For more details about the new developments of the UPEC and the stages of their implementation, refer to the author's article of Director for Research and New Developments of U.P.E.C. Joint Stock Company E. A. Simson.

The UPEC Industrial Group Entered “the World's Bearing Elite”
It is difficult to name anything more important for equipment and machinery than a bearing. Perhaps only a wheel. They have been spinning together from the times of ancient Egyptian and Roman civilizations solving the main task – reducing friction during the movement. The great Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, many outstanding engineers and scientists were involved in the development of bearing designs at different times. Without high-quality bearings, modern engines, cars, agricultural machinery, rail transport, aircrafts, armoured vehicles, machine tools, and virtually all mechanical engineering and even space engineering would not be possible. Nevertheless, there is a wrong idea about the bearing as the simplest assembly being easily manufactured. This is a deeply erroneous view. A modern bearing requires the development of steels and other structural materials with very specific properties, complex heat treatment, optimal internal geometry of contacting elements, unique machine tools that quickly reproduce this geometry by turning, grinding and superfinishing operations with micron accuracy, special coatings, greases and seals as well as the finest technology and quality control devices. A strong bearing industry is a reliable sign of high-tech engineering. Today, one of the most complex bearing assemblies, without which it would be impossible to develop high-speed rail passenger traffic and freight traffic of increased load capacity is a tapered cartridge bearing. Most recently, only a few world leaders in the industry was able to calculate and produce this assembly. Swedish company SKF - bearing company No. 1 in the world, the flagship of bearing innovations (founded in 1907); German company FAG (founded in 1883) being part of the famous Schaeffler Industrial Group; the dominant companies in the American market – Timken and Brenco. By the way, it is the founder of Timken, Henry Timken, who registered in 1898 a patent for a tapered bearing for wheel axles of horse-drawn transport of that time, and a year later founded a company that produces bearings for carriages of the railway transport. Today's cartridge bearing assembly is a closed device assembled and lubricated at the manufacturing plant, fully ready for fitting and providing 800,000 to 1 million km run without any maintenance. The outer racer of a double-row tapered bearing plays the role of a traditional box body, and the loading is transferred from the side frame of the truck through a polymeric wear-resistant insertion to the adapter distributing the load along the outer racer. The cartridge assembly has smaller dimensions and is noticeably lighter than the traditional box assembly, while having a large load-bearing capacity. Due to the more complex structure and production technology, the bearing itself is considerably more expensive than two classic cylindrical bearings inserted into the traditional box assembly, but this is justified in the cost of the life cycle by the absence of an expensive and unreliable system of depot scheduled maintenance with lube replacement and overhaul of rolling elements. A cartridge bearing comes to the world on the threshold of the new millennium in China, which is actively developing high-speed and ultra-high-speed rail transportation, after the USA and Europe. The development of TBU by SKF, which, with the support of the State, establishes a joint venture in China, becomes the state standard for a Chinese cartridge bearing. In Russia, EPK and Brenco establish a joint venture to produce cartridge bearings of American design. In the same 2000's, SKF decides to build a factory in Tver to produce its own cartridge bearings. Timken and FAG are also looking for their place in the huge market of "1,520 space" (the territory of the former USSR with a characteristic track width of 1,520 mm). As a result, despite the former power of the bearing industry (there were more than 30 gas state bearing plants in the USSR), there was no manufacturer in the market of 1,520 mm track ready for own development and production of a cartridge bearing, taking into account the specifics of the operation of "1,520 track space" (railways of the territory of the former USSR). During the Soviet period, Kharkov Bearing Plant (HARP™), being part of the UPEC Industrial Group was the main experimental site for the development of new designs and technologies, developed mainly in All-Russian Research and Development Institute of the Bearing Industry, the leading institute of the bearing industry of the USSR. In Kharkov, bearing steels with unique properties of heat treatment, advanced designs and technologies of cylindrical and ball bearings were mastered. However, by the time of the world's "bearing giants" entering the market of 1,520 mm track with offers to assemble closed tapered bearing onto freight and passenger cars, neither HARP nor Ukrainian Bearing Industry Design and Technology Bureau (UKTBPP) - the main bearing design bureau of Ukraine, being also part of the UPEC Industrial Group, had no developments of cartridge bearing assemblies. And in 2008 the Board of Directors of the UPEC IG decided to establish the Research and Development Center (R&D Center of the UPEC), with the first and main objective to develop energy-efficient cartridge bearings of increased service life for 1,520 mm track. In its activities, the R&D Center of the UPEC relied on the best Kharkov scientific and engineering schools in the field of mechanical engineering and optimal design. The main emphasis was on mathematical modelling of strength and wear, three-dimensional optimization of internal geometry, modelling of basic technological processes and the creation of massive test beds for physical modelling of operating conditions. To automate the development and design processes, UPEC, jointly with the US company RTS (one of the four world leaders of software platforms for supporting engineering activities) implemented the largest in Eastern Europe project for integrated automation of developments in 2009-2010. Designers, calculators, manufacturing engineers, plant managers, Engineering Centers and the Design Bureau of the UPEC obtained advanced specialized software products related to a unified database, corporate libraries and a unified project management program. All this accelerated the development dramatically. The task was not simply to design a cartridge bearing, but to create a structure, materials and heat treatments that would be optimal in the composition of new cars and carriages accepted for use on the 1,520 mm track, and, most importantly, taking into account the specific operating conditions. For this purpose, the dynamics of the train, deformation of the car and the carriage were initially modelled and, as a consequence, the loading conditions of the bearing assembly, taking into account the heavy operating conditions on 1,520 mm track. Nonlinear mathematical models of the finite element method used to analyse and optimize the geometry of a cartridge bearing assembly contained tens of millions of degrees of freedom being record at that time. Every advantage has its "reverse side". One of the key advantages of a cartridge bearing – an eight-year operation period without replacing the lubricant – also has its reverse side. In ordinary box bearings, during maintenance, wear products were automatically removed with the old lubricant. In a closed bearing assembly, wear should be virtually eliminated, because even the smallest particles of metal, gradually accumulating in the lubricant, will work as an abrasive, exponentially accelerating wear and outage of a bearing. This task was solved due to the optimal three-dimensional geometry and perfection of working surfaces minimizing contact stresses and wear rate, optimal arrangement of fibres in the racers and unique lubrication developed by the UPEC in 2011 in cooperation with the German company Klüber Lubrication, the world leader in special lubricants. In addition to record wear prevention indicators, Klueberplex-HARP lubricant has a very low level of hydraulic losses and performance in a wide climatic range from –60°С to +50°С. However, a new effective lubricant includes additives that are found to be incompatible with conventional elastomers used to seal the cartridge bearings. In 2012, jointly with the German company Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (Simrit) and Italian Corcos, special elastomers chemically neutral to the Klueberplex-HARP lubricant were found, and the developed original design of the cartridge seals best combines effective sealing of a cartridge bearing and low mechanical and hydraulic losses, and the performance of a sealing in the same temperature range. But no matter how perfect the theoretical and laboratory developments are, in such a responsible and innovative product as a new bearing assembly for a rolling stock the final word rests always with the running wear tests. For this purpose, the R&D Center has created unparalleled automated test beds that simulate not only standard European, American and GOST test methods, but also the very loading characteristics that are typical for the upper track structure and the flexible design of the 1,520 mm track carriages, including intense dynamic and axial loads, distortions, etc. The original design of the test beds developed at the R&D Center of the UPEC in cooperation with the UKTBPP can simulate the bearing operating conditions in any part of the trackway. To manufacture automation of these test beds, German companies Beckhoff and Bluemenbecker were involved. Bluemenbecker made the developed on the basis of classical hydraulic loaders, and Beckhoff, for the first time in civil engineering, used its unique high-precision multi-tonnage electrodynamic actuators for loading previously used only by NASA. In 2013, the test beds were certified for testing all types of railway bearings. Since 2011, the plants of the UPEC Industrial Group have begun to develop the production of cartridge bearings. The complex optimal geometry of the racers and rollers, along with the high demands for surface perfection and machine tools performance, is the basis for the requirements for the Performance Specification for the development of special grinding and superfinishing equipment by the world's leading machine tool manufacturers: Italian Mechanika Nova (machine tools for internal and external grinding of several surfaces of racers simultaneously), as well as German Modler (roller grinding) and Nagel (roller superfinishing). Jointly with the Czech companies Roboterm and Hydroma, a modern energy-efficient induction heating and punching line for bearing racers has been developed, ensuring an optimal pattern of appearing of the metal fibres on the raceways. Technologies were also mastered and modern equipment was purchased for hard turning, superfinishing of racers, etc. And this long path of one of the most complicated integrated developments of the company was passed - in August 2017, at the test beds of the UPEC Test Center, certified by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine, many-month longevity tests of TBU HARP 1520 (150×250) cartridge bearing for innovative cars of increased carrying capacity have been completed with quite successful results. After hundreds of thousands of kilometres of running on the raceways, working sides of the racers and the working surfaces of the rollers, including the convex working ends, required according to the test procedure, no signs of wear were found at all! Now, certification tests of bearing assemblies of other dimension types, including TBU HARP 130×230, in the development and production assimilation of which all the same design innovations and technologies are used that have been tested and confirmed with tests of the TBU HARP 150×250 cartridge assemblies, wait for their turn. In this context, it is necessary to mention the unique development of the UPEC – an energy-efficient closed cylindrical bearing assembly of increased service life, HARP Duplex, intended for the modernization of cars of conventional load carrying capacity. A thousand cars with HARP Duplex bearing assemblies underwent the supervised operational tests in the Russian Railways, which resulted in 2 million km of run without any signs of wear! At the same time, the working temperature of the HARP Duplex bearing assembly was by 20-25°C lower than that of the tapered bearing of the world-famous manufacturer, which reliably indicates a lower friction loss and, as a consequence, high energy efficiency with a noticeable gain in traction. Together with a new development – the plasma hardening of the bearing surfaces of the box - the box assembly with the HARP Duplex bearing now reliably ensures a repair-free run of 800 thousand km (or eight years without maintenance) and is the optimal product for the modernization of cars of conventional load carrying capacity. Thus, the Ukrainian UPEC Industrial Group confidently entered the "elite world club" of the manufacturers of cartridge bearing assemblies of increased service life, steadily demonstrating a combination of age-old engineering traditions, its own innovative developments with the transfer of advanced European technologies.

Zelenaya Energiya Agro in Odessa Region is a young and perspective farming, which is increasing and developing and directed by Aleksander Bubelich. The farming is actively expanding and gradually replenishing the arsenal of new agricultural machinery. The main production direction of the farming is growing of wheat, sunflower, barley and peas. Today the area of the farm is 800 hectares. For the last three years 21 units of equipment were purchased for the farming. One of the latest purchasing became CHERVONETS trailed seedbed cultivator. CHERVONETS TRAILED SEEDBED CULTIVATOR According to Aleksander words, firstly he looked out the implement with working width of 8 m and contemplated several similar variants, including models of French KUNH, American СASE and Ukrainian «LOZOVA MACHINERY». The choice was made in favor of the domestic producer. “I saw CHERVONETS of LOZOVA MACHINERY several times at the exhibitions,” Aleksander explains his choice. “Therefore, the decision was made quickly and weighed on the base of technical and financial reasons. Previous years I rented a cultivator from another farmer. First of all, I had to wait for my turn, as at first he tilled his fields. Secondly, I considered that it is more profitable to buy own implement and not to depend on anybody and the price for rental.” This spring the cultivator has already worked on the field. The farmer also noted that the purchase of CHERVONETS justifies itself, as it presented itself well. It isn’t clogged and works perfectly on the over-wetted soil, respectively, there is almost no sticking and clogging of the implement working tools. He added that while others complain about the economic situation in the country, they look forward, work, buy reliable equipment from proven producers and are ready to get a positive result and good harvest. MORE INFORMATION TO ORDER DEMONSTRATION CONTACT US HOW TO ORDER: +38 (057) 738-10-14 DOWNLOADS Catalog LOZOVA MACHINERY - TILLAGE MACHINERY Leaflet CHERVONETS

The soil is the most reliable and gratifying source of income. The soil fertility and its yield depend only on its thoughtful owner. The reasonably invested money in the development of new technologies of soil tillage allows farmers to increase productivity and improve the quality of the yield, reduce costs and increase profits, and most important – to preserve soil fertility. «Ecological» agriculture becomes widespread. TOOTH SPRING HARROWS: WHAT DOMESTIC FARMERS PREFER. Today, more and more domestic farmers refuse to use herbicides in favor of mechanical soil tillage. The Ukrainian farmers apply spring tooth harrows for the early spring harrowing for crust destruction and encouraging the weeds germination, even distribution of stubble remains on the field, destruction of weeds in the «white thread» phase etc. What is the difference? Which producers do domestic farmers prefer? We tried to understand, addressing to the producers. The head of the farming ZLAK (Sumy Region, Krasnopolsky district, Krasnopolsky village) Fedor Klimashevsky admits that he prefers mechanical technologies, completely refusing from the use of herbicides in soil tillage. The spring tooth harrows, produced by Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant (Lozova, Kharkov Region), help him to cope with weeds. «Previously we used composite harrows, but they aren't absolutely suitable for seedbed cultivation and don't cope with the weeds. The implements become blocked and broke up. They also didn't perform the necessary result», – tells Fedor Klimashevskiy. The farmer got the expected effect after purchasing LIRA tooth harrow. «What can I say? This harrow is almost self-maintenance. It is distinguished by metal of good quality. The tooth work 3-4 years, as against to majority tooth harrows, where they should be changed annually. One more advantage: it is portable. Moreover, it copes with weeds during pre-seeding, post-seeding and 2-3 soil tillage in one season». On the fields of the farming VESNA (Dnipro Region, Shirokinskiy district, Andreevka village) Viktor Kovalenko grows oilseed crops, mustard, flax, rape and sunflowers. The farmer regrets to admit that he doesn't have tooth harrows in his own machine and tractor park. However, during the season, the farmer takes equipment from the agricultural company TAVRIYA-SOYUZ. "Before I used ploughs, but they didn't cope with clods smashing, – says Viktor Kovalenko, – Today I till the soil, using tooth harrows of LOZOVA MACHINERY. They perfectly cope with harrowing and destruct the weeds due to vibration effect of spring teeth. It can be sometimes that the soil is prepared for seeding, but there is no moisture, and weeds are still growing. All the weeds in the “white thread” phase are destructed with the help of tooth harrow tillage. I also prepare the soil for winter crops seeding, using this implement. Moreover, the tooth harrow of LOZOVA MACHINERY has perfect efficiency, and convenient in transportation and exploitation. Only one person can fold and unfold the harrow. The fact wasn't surprise that LLC AGROSVIT-K (Dnіpropetrovska Region, Krivorіzkii district, Radushne village) prefer LIRA spring tooth harrow of LOZOVA MACHINERY. Another advantages of tillage implement are well thought-out compact transportation and the ability to be serviced by only one operator. "We have two harrows produced by LKMZ with working width of 15 m and 24 m. We purchased the first harrow in 2004, – tells engineer of LLC AGROSVIT-K Boris Berezhnoy. – In that time nothing similar was produced in Ukraine. It was innovative machinery. For 13 years the harrows has been working perfectly. For the exploitation time I didn't change the full set of teeth. If it was necessary, I just changed the separate teeth, which operation life was ended. The welding works were also done perfectly in the implement. I can point out excellent technologies of production of the other tillage implements of LKMZ, not only of tooth harrows. LKMZ established itself on the Ukrainian market as a qualitative producer, understanding the farmers needs". We tried to understand why farmers in the segment of tooth spring harrows prefer the implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY. As it is turned out, LIRA is the first spring tooth harrow of the Ukrainian production, established itself on the country market in 1999. Almost immediately LIRA (before – ZPG) gained popularity among farmers. It is cheaper than foreign analogues and isn't worse in quality. After it entered the market, the other producers of agricultural machinery in Ukraine started production of such implements. No one could overcome the popularity of LIRA. The big experience of Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant in production of spring harrows is reflected in deep preparation for production, in keeping strict quality control of metal and all production technologies. The spring teeth are made of high-quality steel, which two-level heat treatment, what make the spare parts solid. As practice shows, domestic harrows require replacement of teeth once a year, LOZOVA MACHINERY has an extended life span up to 3-4 years. Our survey among farmers has shown that the life span could be longer with the replacement of only individual teeth. The crosses in LIRA, used for turning, are made like the metal of one piece, as against to the majority of other domestic producers, where the cross is a welded part. And welded seams are the concentrator of the tension and the potential risk of the implement braking up. The more accurate approach to hydraulic technicians is embodied in the spring harrow of LOZOVA MACHINERY. The elements, placed in the hydrosystem, are rated at the pressure of 200 atmospheres, what excludes the risk of leakage. Many other domestic producers set hydraulic cylinders, designed for 160 atmospheres. Today, many farmers purchase LIRA wide-level harrows together with REAL complex for the application of the plant protecting agents and complex fertilizers, produced by LKMZ. MORE INFORMATION REQUEST FOR DEMO-SHOW CONTACT US HOW TO ORDER +38 (057) 738-10-14
Greases for ball bearings
Right grease has crucial importance for bearing productivity. Is provides thin film between contact areas in the bearing for friction reduction, heat spread and corrosion prevention on the balls and raceways. The grease will effect on maximal speed and temperature, rotational moment, level of noise, and finally, operation life of the bearing. There is a range of greases, depending on the area of application. Mineral and synthetic grease are most often used and oriented for general and high-speed application. The micro-filter editions are used for low-noise applications. There are water resistant types for low or high temperatures. Silicon greases have wide temperature ranges and more stable viscosity when temperature reduces. They are also water resistant and safe for application with the majority of plastics and rubbers (sealed rings etc.), but they aren’t suitable for high loads and speeds. Water-resistant. Perfluorochemical grease and grease PFPE are incombustible, compatible with oxygen and very stable to many chemicals. They don’t enter into a reaction with plastics and elastomers. Many of them have low pressure of evaporation and they are suitable for applying in vacuum. Some of them can endure the temperatures up to 300 ° C. They are often applied for surface protection from sticking and frost-up due to high hydrophobic features. Dry greases are recommended to use where the standard grease can cause contamination, for example, in vacuum environments. Such grease as molybdenum disulfide and tungsten disulfide are applied on balls and raceways of bearings, provide smooth work and higher moving speed. These coverings are resistant to water and diluted acid. They can be powder-like, wax-like and bonded coverings, which are applied with the help of solvent. Damping greases are widely applied in automotive components to prevent crackle and creaks. They also make switches and drives qualitative. They can be applied in slow rotating bearings, like in potentiometers. Greases for food industry meet special sanitary demands. There are two types of greases for cases, where the contact with food is possible and the contact is absent. These greases are steady to washout and cleaning. Grease viscosity Oils with low viscosity and greases are applied, where the low grease performance is required, for example in sensitive tools. The greases with higher viscosity can be recommended for high-loaded, high-speed and vertical applications of shafts. The greases with lower viscosity are preferred for high-speed applications, as they generate less heat. Though, greases often provide much bigger stability than oils, majority of modern greases with low rotational moment can create the indicators of rotational moment similar to oils according to features. Many greases support their consistence in wide temperature range and they are easy for applying. The light instrument grease is used in components with very low rotational moment. The oil also can provide more high speed of work, but, as such grease isn’t retained on one place, it should be applied like a stream, oil bath or oil fog, if the rotations are short. The oil-impregnated phenolic catch or synthetical catch, made of material with very low frictional factor, don’t need continuous outer greasing. These catches are often applied in high-speed tooth bearings with low rotational moment. Plastic greases are oils, which are mixed with thickener to stay inside the bearing. They are usually suitable for high loads and have an evident advantage in providing constant greasing for a long time without technical maintenance. Grease quantity It is necessarily to take into account that big amount of grease may be harmful for bearing. The filling with grease will mean bigger resistance to rotation (higher rotational moment), but still the risk of heating still remains. The free space inside bearing is important for heat emanating from contact area between ball and raceway. As a result the grease excess can lead to premature destruction. The standard filling comes to 25% - 35% of inner space, but can vary if it is required. Small percent can be indicated for high speed component with low rotational moment, while much bigger filling can be recommended for using with low speed and high load. Speed factor of grease Speed factor («DN») is calculated as rotation speed (rpm per minute) x (outer diameter + inner diameter) ÷ 2. Let’s suppose that bearing rotates with a speed 20000 rpm per minute. Inner diameter of bearing is 8 mm and outer – 22 mm. The above mentioned formula gives DN 300 000, so the grease should have factor higher than this number. Many modern consistent greases are suitable for high speeds with nominal 1 mln. DN or more.
The land resource is a key factor in the agrarian business. Today, the soil is used very intensively, so there is a risk of its depletion. The farmers face the main task – to tillage the soil with the minimum damage and get the maximum profit. The high-quality and reliable agricultural machinery is needed for this mission. CHERVONETS CULTIVATOR: PERFECT SEEDBED – GUARANTEE OF HEAVY CROPS! The quality, energy-efficiency, high productivity, durability and reliability – all these notions describe CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator of LOZOVA MACHINERY. Its versatility allows to carry out loosening of soil at depth of 3-15 cm, incorporating of mineral and organic fertilizers, providing the second stubble cultivation and destruction of weeds germination, and also soil smoothing. The efficient tillage by CHERVONETS is achieved due to a number of design advantages. The implement has multi-functional leveling bars which smooth the backs on the field and create favourable conditions for water-air regime in the soil. Taking into account these design solutions, we can say that machinery is designed with a high percentage of intellectual component. CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator creates perfect seedbed – compacted layer, covered with well-loosened soil on the top (ridgeness of the field surface – up to 3 cm, soil crumbling – not less than 80%). The implement is efficient on the small as well as large areas. There are two staggered rollers of different diameters, rotating at different speeds. This allows to avoid non-cultivated areas during the packing of soil and provides smaller soil crumbling. Often it happens that working tools of tillage machinery become clogged with soil and stubble remains. The LOZOVA MACHINERY designers have eliminated this problem. The roller doesn't have central axis, so there is no clogging even in the overwetted conditions. With working width of 8 m and working speed up to 15 km/h CHERVONETS passes up to 12 ha/h, thus considerably saves fuel consumption (it spends 3-5 l/ha in contrast to machinery of other domestic manufacturers which spend 5-8 l/ha ). The farmers, who have already tested CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator on their fields, are satisfied with it. Aleksandr Bubelich, director of PE Zelenaya Energiya Agro (Belyaevka, Odessa Region), has been using LOZOVA MACHINERY cultivator for two years and admires the speed and economy of fuel consumption. «This cultivator prepared about 500 ha for seeding. Even under wet conditions, it cultivates the soil with quality, perfectly following the ground contours. The weeds and moisture aren't a problem. The cultivator shows good productivity and there is no problems with the working tools. For two years of exploitation, CHERVONETS proved its reliability and efficiency», – commented Aleksandr Bubelich. CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator is one of the best solutions for modern energy efficient tillage. It provides soil proper care, perfect seedbed and heavy yields for farmers. Learn more Order the demonstration show Downloads Leaflet CHERVONETS

The Ukrainian farmers have the first-hand knowledge of LIRA tooth harrows, LOZOVA MACHINERY. For more than 16 years of successful exploitation on the fields of Ukrainian farmers LIRA has received the status of "legendary" harrow for its unpretentiousness, reliability and the highest quality of soil tillage. This year the range of tooth harrows was supplemented with new implements. The long-awaited novelties for farmers became LIRA XL heavy tooth harrows with working width of 15 m and 21 m that can be equipped with drag harrows. LIRA XL HEAVY TOOTH HARROWS – 5 OPERATIONS IN ONE PASS! The LIRA XL harrows (15 and 21 m) are equipped with frames with five rows of teeth with diameter of 16 mm and height of 762 mm, set on the parallelogram. Like other implements of the tooth harrows line, LIRA XL is distinguished with durability and good teeth life, which is three times higher than other producers have. Another advantage of the novelties is adjustable tilt angle – 45°-90° and the possibility to adjust the spring pressure on the soil from 400 to 860 kg. The uniqueness is proved by ability to carry out 5 operations in one pass: — early spring harrowing and loosening of the surface at the depth of 2-10 cm, retaining the moisture; — encouraging the weeds germination with their further destruction; — levelling the field surface and seedbed preparation; — incorporation of fertilizers and pesticides; — even spreading of stubble remains. Parallelogram suspension of separate work sections allows to keep contact with a rough soil. Thus, the degree of soil contour following is significantly higher than by section mounting on the wrap springs. The farmers get soil layer with uniform thickness and reliable seeds incorporation. In addition, the equipping with cables for additional rigidity of the wings, that in contrast to rods, allow to provide perfect turning maneuvering and reduce pressures affecting the frame. Therefore, the overall dimensions of the harrow do not complicate the work. The important point is a convenience of exploitation. It is easy to fold and unfold LIRA XL from transport to work position and vice versa. A number of design solutions significantly increase the productivity of LIRA XL heavy tooth harrows, which is up to 25 ha/hour. All LOZOVA MACHINERY implements are designed with taking into account Ukrainian farmers' needs, so they are adapted for domestic tractors. In particular, LIRA XL-15 is trailed with tractors from 160 hp and LIRA XL-21 – with tractors from 300 hp. Presentation of new units on the Ukrainian market took place in February this year within the largest international exhibition Grain Tech Expo, where the farmers were interested in the innovative domestically produced agricultural machinery, allowing to run the farming effectively. In order to achieve maximum productivity you can purchase drag harrow with working width 15/21 m which is equipped with sixteen rows of rhomb-shaped teeth that allows to loose and smooth the most solid soil layer. These implements passed the tests on the base of training research test center of Nikolayev National Agrarian University. According to the test results LIRA XL-15 and LIRA XL-21 showed positive results, even in conditions of huge amount of stubble remains. The novelties were tested on wheat and corn stubbles, and they also completed tillage after under-winter ploughing. Working tools also proved their reliability and power. The specialists of one of the largest agrarian university of the country noted that these implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY are not the first, which have passed successful tests on their fields, and add that the machinery work is not worse than leading foreign analogues. Currently LIRA XL-15 and LIRA XL-21 in two modifications (drag and heavy tooth harrows) are to be put in serial production, and to fulfill farmers’ requirements. Learn more Order the demonstration show Downloads Leaflet LIRA XL
One of the first stages of soil preparation before the seeding is the early spring harrowing for crust destruction, weeds eradication, even distribution of stubble remains on the field and other operations. LIRA spring-tooth harrow of LOZOVA MACHINERY helps the farmers to cope with these operations for more than 16 years. It deserved farmers trust and status of the legendary harrow due to its simplicity, reliability and high quality of soil tillage. Application of LIRA together with REAL, the complex for applying fertilizers and means of plant protection, will double the effect of the soil tillage. Let's go through everything point by point. LEGENDARY SPRING-TOOTH HARROW LIRA: YEARS OF PERFECT WORK Indeed, for the years of perfect work LIRA spring-tooth harrow acquired a reputation of qualitative and reliable product, and Ukrainian farmers have first-hand knowledge of it. Aleksandr Melnik, the head of MAYAK farming (Sakhnovschina village, Kharkov Region) pointed out that he is more than just satisfied with work and efficiency of LIRA-24 for 10 years of its exploration. «Every season we use LIRA spring tooth harrow for moisture retaining, soil tillage before the wheat seeding, herbicides incorporating. Due to large working width it is required only several passes of the implement. The soil becomes soft and the surface becomes smooth after using of LIRA. Before purchasing this implement, my friend always asked me the same question – how can I run the farming without LIRA harrow? After purchasing I understand myself that LIRA is indispensable in farming and it didn't let me down», – shares the farmer his impression. Even today the farmers prefer legendary LIRA. Thus, Igor Tikhanov, the head of FANTASIA farming (Novoajdar village, Lugansk Region), bought LIRA-24 spring-tooth harrow last year. He has already tilled 100 ha and estimated the implement benefits: «The harrow worked perfectly. It is qualitative and efficient harrow. It cultivated the field thoroughly and accurately. The result of LIRA exploration pleased us last season, so we expect for higher productivity this year. The main load on the implement is planned for the spring works». The outstanding scientists prove the uniqueness of LIRA tooth harrow according to the results of tests, which were conducted on the fields of large science-research centers of the country. Thus, Deputy Director for scientific and experimental work of UkrNIIPIT named after L. Pogoreliy, Victor Pogoreliy points out: «LOZOVA MACHINERY offers the best tooth harrows with adjusted teeth for today». Indeed, one of the main advantages of LIRA spring harrow range is adjusted teeth tilt angle – 15◦-90◦ – that provides tillage at various depths. «LOZOVA MACHINERY offers the best tooth harrows with adjusted teeth for today» One more advantage of LIRA harrow teeth is a high lifetime: it is three times higher that tooth of other producers owing to high-quality special steel with double hardening. Working sections of LIRA harrows consist of five rows of spring teeth with diameter of 10 mm that provides qualitative soil tillage without non-cultivated areas, even distribution of stubble remains on the field and field smoothness. The vibration effect provides blockage-free work of teeth and perfect loosening. In addition, LIRA perfectly follows the complex field contours even in hard stubble remains conditions. Unlike the ordinary car tyres, low-pressure agricultural tyres allow to minimize the damage of crop plants when the implement moves on shoots, exclude excessive soil compaction, impacting on the plants growth and development. LIRA spring harrow destructs the weeds not less than by 95% and retain moisture and provide air access to the seeds at the same time. Besides harrowing the implement accomplishes incorporating of seeds and mineral fertilizes, straw picking and windrowing, destructing the weeds in the “white thread” phase. The tillage is completed two times quicker due to large working width, 15 and 24 m. Moreover the overall dimensions don't complicate the transportation. The tractor driver can fold and unfold LIRA harrow himself. LOZOVA MACHINERY offers a harrow, which is simple in use, economical and achieves maximum effect. Such technical data of LIRA as operating depth (up to 9 cm), operating speed (up to 15 km/h), efficiency (22,8 ha/h), fuel consumption (0,8-1,5 l/ha) prove the high effectiveness and save the energy resources. The tillage costs for 1 ha, using LIRA tooth harrow is less by 30% in comparison to domestic analogs and 2,5 times less in comparison to foreign machinery. All this allowed LIRA to conquer the glory of enduring, energy efficient and productive agricultural machinery among farmers and it makes it truly legendary. This year the range of tooth harrows was supplemented with new implements. The long-awaited novelties for farmers became LIRA XL heavy tooth harrows with working width of 15 m and 21 m that can be equipped with drag harrows. LIRA + REAL is a good decision for tillage If you want to double the tillage effect, use LIRA spring harrow with complex for application of liquid mineral fertilizes and means of plants protection REAL of LOZOVA MACHINERY that includes trailed sprayer for active substance (capacity 2,5-5 m³) with a set of equipment, easily mounted on the harrow. In one pass REAL provides incorporation of substances at the optimal depth (3-5 cm) with their surface treatment. It guarantees their effectiveness, almost excludes the loss of the active substances due to evaporation or wind blowing and also considerably reduces the exploitation costs. There is no sprayer on the Ukrainian market that can provide such results. Consider yourself. There is no any effect when the herbicides are sprayed on the surface, especially in dry weather, as the big amount of the substance just vaporizes. Moreover, the blowing of the substance and its destruction under the sun rise is possible. There is necessity in additional pass for incorporation that leads to expenditure of time and fuel, and the high price for fuel shall be taken into account. Moreover, the soil is tilled additionally that has negative effect. With the small degree of herbicides incorporation by light spring harrows, for example, the large amount of the substance vaporizes, as it contacts with atmosphere. With too deep incorporation of herbicides and fertilizers the bigger part of active substance is put lower than seeds, and this reduces their effectiveness. So, REAL not only copes with its functions, but also demonstrates energy efficient way of gentle soil tillage. In order to achieve even substance spreading across whole working width of LIRA, REAL is equipped with a high-qualitative control unit ARAG and axial-piston pump Annovi Reverberi driven by tractor PTO. Thus, the farmers can avoid non-cultivated areas on the field surface during incorporation of fertilizes and plants protecting agents, and consequently reduction of yields. The complex REAL + LIRA allows to increase the efficiency of the incorporated substance, minimize its consumption and load on the environmental system of the world through the momentary incorporating of liquid substance of tooth-spring harrow. What could be better for farmers than a tandem that allows to simplify and accelerate field work hundred times? Aleksandr Shevchenko, director of JLLC PROTOPOPOVSKOE (Protopopovka village, Balakliya district, Kharkov region) has been using the complex LIRA + REAL since 2012 and during this time agricultural machinery proved its effectiveness. «The machinery has shown its reliability and endurance for 5 years of exploitation and work on over 5 000 ha. It is characterized by high speed and productivity. The soil is soft and smooth after the tillage. The most important is that it perfectly copes with fertilizes incorporating and provides minimization of fuel and mineral fertilizes consumption due to incorporation in one pass. Before we spent more time and fuel for same operation – we spread fertilizes in one pass and then incorporated them with second pass. LOZOVA MACHINERY offered an excellent solution for this operation!» – notes the farmer. The unit for application of liquid substances and plant protection agents REAL in complex with tooth spring harrow LIRA is unique solution of tillage agricultural machinery with implementation of the intellectual component for modern energy efficient agriculture. Learn more Order the demonstration show CONTACT US Buy agricultural machinery: +38 (057) 738-10-43 +38 (057) 738-10-14 FOLLOW US! Downloads Leaflet LIRA & REAL

It is strategically important for each farming to create conditions for increasing yields and achieving the greatest fertility of their land. The Ukrainian farmers know that «tо reap good harvest you have to work hard in spring». The harrowing is the most famous, relatively affordable and economically profitable way to increase soil productivity. This process helps to protect soil from drying out, to smooth its surface, to destroy a crust and “white thread” weeds. The harrowing efficiency depends on terms of its accomplishment and well chosen implement, that carries out the whole process. DINAR ROTARY HARROW: AIRY SOIL – PERFECT RESULT! DINAR rotary harrow of LOZOVA MACHINERY is an implement that consists of seventy two wheels-stars on balance suspension. Every solid-cast star is made of high-qualitative cast iron with diameter of 534 mm. Such heavy harrow is used for cultivation of tillage, industrial and cereal crops. DINAR is trailed with tractors with power of 120 hp and its working width is 6,4 meters. In contrast to rigid suspension, the balance set of the stars provides their constant contact with the soil, reduces the dynamic load on the bearings. Stars with oblique tooth allow to vary the intensity of tillage by the implement. So, in the first mode, stars with oblique tooth provide vertical tooth penetration in the soil with “micro-explosion”. The damage of crop plants is up to 1% and it is 10 times less of other similar implements. The second mode provides increased intensity of impact on the soil, which is perfect for the tillage of stubble. It is to be noted that the producers of DINAR harrow did their best to simplify the life of farmers as much as possible. Each tine is mounted to the frame by one bolt. Such fast mounting reduce efforts when changing tines for different inter-rows. The implement is equipped additionally with spring teeth for additional weeds destruction in the “white thread” phase. The implement advantage is hydraulically foldable frame that minimizes the load on the tractor's hinged system and provides compactness of the implement during transportation. The working width of the implement in folded position is 3 meters. In addition, the harrow is equipped with special wheels that allow to control the depth of stars penetration in the soil. In spite of DINAR is a novelty on the agricultural machinery market, some farmers have already tested it. The head of the branch of AIC Dokuchaevsk Chernozems (Poltava Region, Karlovka) Aleksander Domnich shared his experience of DUCAT application: «As against to inter-row cultivators, which we used before, the harrow doesn't damage the plants roots and it can easily work on slopes without a damage of crops. The harrow perfectly copes with crust and weeds». Aleksander Domnich pointed out the efficiency of the harrow: «For one shift this implement can tillage about 60 hectares with fuel consumption from 1,8-2,5 liter per unit area. For example, 4 liters are spent per one hectare using inter-row cultivator. The economy is evident». LOZOVA MACHINERY has many times demonstrated to Ukrainian farmers that it is possible to produce a range of highly efficient and economical machinery in our country, which aren't worse than foreign analogues. At the same time, the prices of implements and spare parts are much more affordable, which is definitely a competitive advantage. The latest technological developments were used by producing DINAR rotary harrow, and the effect of its application is more than positive. It will become a real breakthrough on the agricultural machinery market of domestic production. Learn more Order the demonstration show DOWNLOADS Leaflet DINAR

The activity of domestic producers has recently increased significantly. The reason for this was the serious fluctuations of the exchange rate, which did not remain unnoticed for foreign producers of agricultural machinery. The share of foreign machinery significantly decreased in the last 1,5 – 2 years, which provided a number of opportunities for Ukrainian producers of the implements to expand their presence in the Ukrainian market. Taking into account the economic situation in the country, the activity of domestic machinery producers will only increase. IT'S TIME FOR DOMESTIC MACHINERY In a difficult economic situation, when the farmers face the issue of machinery purchasing, the problems of efficiency and quick payback of implements become the most important. Moreover, many farms have already experienced the application of foreign machinery. They are interested in buying the machinery that is similar to the foreign analogs in functional characteristics and price-performant. DUCAT disc harrows of Ukrainian producer LOZOVA MACHINERY relate to such implements. In DUCAT disc harrows there are a number of design solutions, such as unmaintained bearing unit and unique spring tine, which are embodied and adopted for local soil-climatic conditions. These solutions are inherent in leading European producers and the domestic machinery producers almost don't adopt them. DUCAT has been working in farming ALTAIR (Lugansk Region) for about a year. "I had been choosing for a long time and considered another foreign implement, but it was expensive. Then we tried domestic machinery, but we didn't like that the bearings started to untwist. I purchased DUCAT 5 and none bearing unit has failed since 2014! We don't need to tighten them or something else to do. Very convenient" – says the owner of the farming Popov Viktor. HARP AGRO UNIT bearing unit (used in DUCAT) is better than other serviced units as DUCAT has a sealed double row ball bearing with reinforced rings (forged) and German seal Simrit, which protects from dust and dirt. There is originally the American lubricant Chevron in the bearing and this bearing unit is tightened with certain efforts that do not require additional tightening. DUCAT-5 is a unique implement with working width of 5,25 m. It is trailed with tractors of 160-180 hp, which is an unattainable indicator for all domestic producers. «It turned out that the capacity of the tractor was able to provide high-quality work at the speed of 12 km/h and at a depth of 8-12 cm, working on stubble and sunflower. I believe that spring tine is a good design solution, which gives an undeniable advantage over the harrow on a rigid tine»- frankly told Popov Viktor. Indeed, spring tines allow the implement with larger working width to be trailed with tractors. This indicator is ensured by the fact that the spring tine doesn't crush the ground, but cuts and lightens the mounted system of the tractor and provides fuel economy. The working tools are crucial elements of any implement, as they have a very heavy load. In comparison with stationary tines, spring tines cause fears among farmers, especially among those who had no experience with similar foreign implements, and worked only with classical domestic harrows on a stationary tines. Farming MAZHUGA: «I have been working for several seasons, I am satisfied with the work, and DUCAT harrow is unique due to its tine. I tillage at the depth of 7 cm and very satisfied. The tine is reliable, springy and it has cultivated for 2 seasons 600 hectares. Only one tine has broken and we have put from spares» - told the head of the farming. The farming TKACH (Dnipro Region) is also satisfied with DUCAT work: «We saw the machinery at the exhibition and we were very interested in the construction of the implement, but there were doubts. But on the first day of work we understood that the purchase will justify and payback a few more times. Now the work of the implement comes to more than 1200 hectares. The harrow is used intensively by working at a depth of 10 cm. The design is very good. I use it even when the soil is overdried. The tractor works smoothly. We are very satisfied.» - said Vasily Tkach, head of the farming. DUCAT's tine is made of spring steel at Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant, which has unique forging production and huge experience in producing complex products. «In fact, we have a fracture of tines less than 1% of all working tines. The spare tines and a guarantee of 1 year are provided for each implement» - confirms the words of farmers Sales Director of LOZOVA MACHINERY Aleksandr Titov. «Despite the high level of competition, including with foreign companies, farmers have already preferred the tilling implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY to foreign analogues. Today, for example, many farmers are going to buy the second and third harrow, – continues Alexandr Titov. LOZOVA MACHINERY is modern agricultural machinery, which is produced by Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant (LKMZ) and represented by a wide range of energy-efficient and innovative products. Today tillage and seeding implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY not only successfully compete with the leading world analogues, but also surpass them by some features as they are adapted to Ukrainian farmers' needs. Learn more about DUCAT Catalog - Tillage machinery Order the demonstration show Downloads Catalog LOZOVA MACHINERY - TILLAGE MACHINERY Leaflet DUCAT

It isn't a secret that the basis of the heavy yield is timely and qualitative seedbed cultivation. The mistakes made in the seedbed preparation can be costly for farmers: in addition to the strong soil clogging there is also crop losses up to 20% and above. So, farmers reasonably impose the highest requirements for seedbed cultivation implements. In addition, all farmers’ efforts are aimed at achieving maximum productivity per unit of time in today's agricultural economy. Therefore, modern farmers prefer multitasking machinery that copes with performing simultaneously several operations on the soil preparation that promotes the reducing the number of the tractor passes on the field and it is not only reduces the total fuel consumption, but also prevents soil consolidation. DESIGNED FOR PERFECT SEEDBED CULTIVATION CHERVONETS universal energy-efficient seedbed cultivator of LOZOVA MACHINERY– one of the most productive one-pass equipment, providing high-quality full-fledged seedbed cultivation for one pass. Moreover, CHERVONETS has an economic benefit, providing less cost ploughing. The implement allows to provide qualitative seedbed cultivation after ploughing for one pass, spending 4 l/ha of fuel at the same time. CHERVONETS provides tillage up to 10 ha/h due to working width of 8 meters. It is not less important that it is trailed with tractors with power of 130-170 hp, the most widespread on the Ukrainian territory. Despite the fact that CHERVONETS has declared itself on the market only in 2015, the first farmers have already esteemed its high functionality and efficiency in soil tillage. The owner of the farming LEVADA K (Kiev Region, Boguslavsky district) Nikolay Vysotenko preferred CHERVONETS, when choosing seedbed cultivator. «I chose CHERVONETS with the «duckfoot» tine. Our fields are on the high slope, and earlier there was a problem of working tools and tines breakdown at turns during cultivation. CHERVONETS copes perfectly with tillage on the turns and causes no problems due to more narrow tines and simple adjustment of tillage depth». It is necessary to point out that CHERVONETS can be equipped with various tines (both with spring-loading and without) and working tools for failure-free work on any types of soils: duckfoot tine (for solid weeds cutting), "goose tine" (multi-purpose), revolving chisel tip (for deeper tillage or work on rough soils). CHERVONETS is equipped with the bodies of leading producers of spare parts, like BELLOTA (Spain) and Ama (Italy). The owner of the farming LEVADA K thinks that another advantage of LOZOVA MACHINERY implement is that it can be both mounted and semi-trailed. «Taking into account the slopes, I can use the implement as semi-trailed, without fear of toppling over the equipment at the turns and good quality of the tillage at the problem areas. The using of the implement in mounted way is convenient for those farmers, who have flat fields", – points out Nikolay Vysotenko and summarizes: – In general, CHERVONETS showed perfect results in seedbed cultivation. The soil is perfect for any seeding after its cultivation. I’m absolutely satisfied with the purchase». It is necessary to point out one of the design features of CHERVONETS – the S-shaped spring tine, which creates favorable conditions for optimal water-air regime in the soil. The elastic deformation of the tine leads to the oscillating movement of the shares in the soil, which vibrate both in the direction of movement and in the lateral direction and in the same time ensure the minimum movement in height. Due to this the strict maintenance of the necessary depth of tillage is guaranteed, the quality of crumbling is increased, draught resistance is reduced that helps to prevent the working tool from blockage with soil and stubble remains. The distance between the working tools of 125 mm contributes to the high-quality processing of the soil along the entire width of the unit. The farmers know that the soil should be slightly sealed after loosening to prevent evaporation of moisture. The rollers of CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator care about this. The sprouts are supplied with moisture due to soil consolidation. This creates the best conditions for emergency of even harmonious sprouts and thus favour to picking heavy yields. The optimal soil crumbling and smoothing is provided by the swinging suspension of double tooth rollers, their different diameter and shape (pipe and tooth) and also full cover of the implement working width by the rollers. All these technical features and some other design features allow CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator to work in different conditions on different soil types, creating perfect seedbed. The huge experience of Lozova Forging-Mechanical Plant is reflected in deep preparing for production, in maintenance of strict quality control of metal and all producing technologies. It also puts agricultural implements of LOZOVA MACHINERY in one line with the best foreign analogs and in the same time provides affordable prices as domestic producer. Choosing the strategy of import-substitution and get into trend, LOZOVA MACHINERY continues to put the new energy-efficient modern tillage implements to the market, caring about the soil and realizing the farmer’s needs! Learn more CONTACT US Buy agricultural machinery: +38 (057) 738-10-43 +38 (057) 738-10-14 Downloads Leaflet CHERVONETS

An independent expertise of the gulden subsoiler
AN INDEPENDENT EXPERTISE OF THE GULDEN SUBSOILER In August 2017 in Krasnopavlovka village (Lozova district, Kharkiv region) the UkrNDIPVT named after L. Pogoreliy tested the GULDEN subsoiler, manufactured by LOZOVA MACHINERY. The task was to determine water retention of the soil treated with GULDEN in comparison with the untreated soil with stubble according to the method of UkrNDIPVT named after L. Pogoreliy. CONCLUSIONS Subsoiler assembled with deep loosening tines and additional plowshares provides the highest specific water penetration, which in the initial phase is 2,7 times higher than the same value of the untreated soil with stubble. In general, after 30 minutes of observations we get 4 times increase in the integral water penetration compared to the control field. Subsoiler with only deep loosening tines working at depth of 45 cm, provides in the initial phase the 1,8 times higher specific retention and 2,2 times higher integral retention compared to control field. Learn more about GULDEN – Subsoiler

In the modern world, virtually no production of equipment, machinery and vehicles can do without the use of bearings. These are relatively small, but extremely important components. After all, the bearings provide the rotation of the shaft or axis, while reducing the energy loss. The highest requirements to the quality and strength of bearings are made in the field of agricultural machinery. This is not surprising, if you recall in what difficult conditions agricultural machinery works. Dust, dirt, moisture, high temperatures and extreme loads during the season are just some of the difficulties waiting for agro-bearings. HARP BEARINGS - THE BEST SOLUTION FOR EFFECTIVE FARMING AND AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY No one knows more about what the bearings for agricultural machinery should be than the specialists of the Kharkov and Oskol Bearing plants that produce bearings under the trademark HARP. Almost seventy years of design and production experience allows the company to create one of the best bearings in the world. Specialists of the plant were able to take into account all the specifics of the work of farmers and created a whole range of products for the agricultural sector - HARP-AGRО bearings and HARP AGRO UNIT bearing units. HARP AGRO UNIT. Bearings of this line proved to be strong, reliable and wear-resistant. Their tightness and dimensional accuracy makes it possible to use these parts in units and agricultural equipment intended for extreme loads. For even greater protection, HARP-AGRO bearings are manufactured with reinforced sealing of increased tightness of X-SHIELD (bearing number is indicated by the K10 index). The seal of increased tightness X-SHIELD is a unique development of HARP, which allows the bearings to function effectively even in extreme conditions for agricultural machinery, in the dustiest, dirty or damp environment. Such durability is achieved due to the fact that in addition to the internal multi-compaction seal with modern lubricants, the outer side of the bearing is metallic, which means that the possibility of hitting straw and dirt in its internal cavity is completely excluded. An additional advantage of such bearings is the separator made of polyamide. The low weight and singular elasticity of this material significantly increase the serviceability of the bearing during braking, acceleration and high loads, as well as with mutual skewing of the rings. HARP AGRO bearings are used by many well-known manufacturers of agricultural machinery. The Rostselmash combine harvesters manufactured at the Krasnoyarsk combine harvester plant, the Gomselmash combine harvesters, tractors manufactured aat the Minsk, Kharkov and Volgograd tractor plants, the Avtokraz and the Chervona zirka are just a small list of recognized industrial giants that complete their products with these high-quality bearings. FINAL SOLUTION FOR MANUFACTURERS AND USERS OF DISK BORONS and other agricultural machines. Another innovative development of the Kharkov Bearing Plant is a range of HARP AGRO UNIT hub bearing units. These are integral, unattended units designed specifically for tillage and sowing equipment. The unique reliability of HARP AGRO UNIT is achieved through the use of three-level protection: • To prevent high soil pressure, a labyrinth dissector is applied to the seal; • Protection against mechanical damage is provided by the Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (Simrit) cassette seal; • Protection from aggressive environmental conditions (humidity, dust, dirt), typical for soil processing, is achieved through a special lip seal built into the bearing; • Undoubted advantage of the assembly for users is its ease of installation, which can be performed even in the field. Special attention deserves the bearing used in the assembly. Its resource is not less than 6000 machine hours. The bearing does not require lubrication, and its ring blanks are hot stamped, which significantly increases its wear resistance. Another important advantage is the possibility of replacing the bearing without replacing the body! In the HARP AGRO UNIT, the replacement of the bearing, if necessary, is not difficult and can be done in any workshop. BEARING CANISTER ASSEMBLIES In 2016, Kharkov Bearing Plant started production of Y-type bearings - YAR, YET, YEL analogues and canister assemblies on their basis. This is a new generation of bearings that has been developed for use in seeding, tillage and harvesting equipment of such world leading manufacturers as John Deere, Claas, Case, New Holland, Lemken and others. In the development of this line, all the features of the design of agricultural machinery of leading manufacturers, as well as the special conditions for the application of these bearings and assemblies were taken into account. This line of products can withstand high temperatures, extreme external conditions as these bearings are able to work under increased loads and have a wide range of applications. A feature of this line is that the bearing and body are completely interchangeable. In addition, the X-SHIELD increased tightness seals and steel protective washer make the bearing inaccessible to dust, dirt, moisture, soil particles and other aggressive components of the environment. In addition to this reliable protection, bearings and bearing assemblies of the new series are equipped with grease nipples for lubricant supply. This innovation frees consumers from the need to periodically lubricate the bearings, and significantly increases their service life. HARP proved that no one else understands the needs of farmers and the peculiarities of the design of agricultural machinery. Its innovative developments in the field serve as are direct evidence that domestic bearings can be of high quality, durable and reliable. And what is more important, the prices for this product for the consumer are much more affordable as compared to imported analogues. LEARN MORE DOWNLOAD BOOKLET Booklet "Bearings HARP-AGRO and bearing units HARP AGRO UNIT"

Во многих отдаленных районах мира доступ к надежным источником питания по-прежнему остается серьезной проблемой. Иметь чистый источник питания, который способен поддерживать электроагрегаты, такие как компьютеры и телекоммуникации, - это актуальный вопрос для сельской местности. И тут на помощь приходят насосы.

In many remote areas of the world, access to reliable power sources is still a serious problem. Having a clean power source which is capable of supporting electrical devices, such as computers and telecommunications, is an urgent issue for rural areas. Here pumps come to the rescue. PROVIDING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY TO THE COUNTYRYSIDE WITH THE HELP OF PUMPS (on the basis of materials of “World Pumps” magazine) The study of potential from pumps using as turbines began because the companies wanted to assess the impact on their systems of the situation when the pump is operating in reverse mode. One international pump manufacturer decided to check this issue in practice. In many distant areas of the world, access to a reliable source of food remains a serious problem. To have a clean power source that is capable of supporting electrical devices, such as computers and telecommunications, is an urgent issue for countryside. Pumps as turbines And the solution was found. The old and well-proven technology, when a centrifugal pump is used as a turbine for power generation, is very interesting, because it has low cost and it is environmentally friendly. In the pumping industry, the effect is known as PаT (pump as a turbine). A centrifugal pump in reverse rotation will, under certain conditions, create a turbine effect that can be used to generate electricity. The liquid flows from the outlet hole in such a way that the impeller rotates in the opposite direction. In case if the head is high enough to overcome the starting moment of the impeller and shaft, the torque can be used to drive the generator, so that the pump operates as a turbine. Pumps manufacturers have found highly effective modes of such use. The energy output was higher than the energy consumed used to start the pump. In Europe, water suppliers have been using such turbine pumps as an economically viable alternative for years. More than 3000 such pumps were put into operation. The mounting usually consists of two main elements: a hydroelectric unit and an additional water conduit to hold water, which drives the pump-turbine. The difference in levels is important for the functioning of the turbine. The water reservoir shall have a height of at least 10 m above the power plant. Depending on the type and size of the turbine, the height can reach 640 m. The hydraulic unit provides power from 30 to 750 kW. The use of induction generator with permanent magnet immediately increases the cost of mounting. An alternative approach involves the use of induction generator, which is basically a motor. The disadvantage of this option is that the induction generator will not generate any electricity when it is turned on, because it requires power for operation, for example, from a diesel generator. However, both problems can be solved if the start-up is carried out with battery power, which gives little power for an induction generator when required. The power supply for a quick start of the generator is controlled programmatically and very economical. ENERGY EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES There are a lot of examples of improving the use of energy sources in modern technology. Actually, this is the main development path, and only those producers that offer such solutions are competitive on the market today. The enterprises belonging to the UPEC Industrial Group fully meet the requirements of increasing efficiency in a wide range of directions, from pumps to agricultural machinery, climate technology and other products. MORE

Electromotors for elevators of new generation of skb ukrelectromash: reliability in work
Safety and reliability of operation are the basic requirements for elevators. Only the quality of the mechanical part and electric equipment can provide it. The special engineering and manufacturing center "UKRELECTROMASH" offers unique elevator electric motors, the quality of design, development and manufacturing of which serves as a guarantee of their reliability. ELEVATOR ELECTRIC MOTORS OF THE NEW GENERATION BY THE SKB UKRELECTROMASH: RELIABILITY IN OPERATION For the elevator industry, the company has developed and serially produced energy-efficient electric motors for driving both gear winches with the possibility of use in high-rise buildings of 16 floors or higher, as well as gearless winches of modern elevators with a speed of 1-1.6 m / s or higher and with a carrying capacity of up to 1000 kg. A distinctive feature of all elevator electric motors from the Kharkiv manufacturer is the thermal protection built into the winding, which excludes the electric motor failing in emergency operation modes. Another unquestionable advantage of the electric motors manufactured by the SKB UKRELECTROMASH is the capacity of 3.55 kW, which provides a margin of safety, significantly increases the motor's life and extends its service life by 30-40%. At the Ukrainian market, these motors are the only ones of their kind according to its characteristics, since analogues from other manufacturers (mainly Russian companies) have a lower power (up to 3 kW) and are not equipped with built-in temperature protection. In addition, the elevator motors developed at the Kharkiv plant have a number of other advantages. Advantages of the elevator motors developed at the SKB UKRELECTROMASH: In the design is used high-energy, energy-efficient closed bearings of its own production; the thermal protection built into the winding which prevents the motor from failing in emergency operation modes; increased reliability, high efficiency and low power consumption; high traction characteristics; do not require an additional seat (easily interchangeable with lift engines of the old model); motors do not require scheduled maintenance during operation. The elevator motors and winches are certified and meet all the requirements of norms of electric safety of UkrSepro governmental certification system, standards, GOSTs, technical requirements. Achievement of such high results in the production of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH is possible due to the availability of its own testing center equipped with modern automatic stands and unique testing equipment. The center's capabilities make it possible to carry out a full range of tests of electric motors and devices (mechanical, climatic, electric, vibro-acoustic, etc.) that are being aggregated with them, as well as give the opportunity to test both single samples of equipment and small industrial lots. Despite the fact that the enterprise carries out control of processes at all stages of production, all the motors before they get to the customer, shall mandatory go through outer control at the company's stands. High reliability of elevator motors and precision of designs are also provided by the automation of business processes. The whole processes of design and development of equipment is carried out on the bases of modern universal software specially designed for the calculation of electric motors (CAD / CAM / CAE, Pro / ENGINEER, WindChill, "Sprut"). Thus, the engineering and manufacturing center of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH performs the entire complex of works related to the development, manufacture of prototypes, testing, setting for production and manufacturing of elevator motors and winches. In addition, a team of qualified specialists of the service center for warranty and post-warranty maintenance of electrical equipment created on the basis of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH guarantees quality timely repairs and reliable maintenance of motors for the reliable operation of elevators. The SKB UKRELECTROMASH is the leading developer in Ukraine of general industrial and special-purpose electric motors of small and medium heights, generators, as well as electric pumps, water pumps, frequency-controlled drives, electric compressors and other devices. Unique for their structural, electrical, mechanical and other parameters, the SKB electric motors operate in 40 countries and are used in the life support systems for sea vessels, railway locomotives, nuclear power plants, including those, operating under extreme climatic conditions. Service center SKB UKRELECTROMASH PROVIDES: Warranty, after- and off-warranty repair of equipment (rewinding, recovery of passport characteristics and appearance); commissioning of equipment, installation, installation supervision; maintenance and scheduled maintenance; diagnostics, adjustment and modernization; services of refitting, modification and modernization; carrying out necessary (climatic, thermal, vibro-noise) tests, etc. Highly qualified specialists of the service center maintain the electrical equipment of their own production, as well as products of other manufacturers. In addition, the maintenance of elevator motors takes place in Ukraine, thus, excluding barriers / borders, as in the case between a foreign supplier and a domestic consumer. Great practical experience in the creation of energy efficient motors, ability to solve timely and qualitatively necessary tasks have turned the SKB UKRELECTROMASH into a leading developer of electrical products and a reliable partner for many enterprises-customers. The striving for energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, controllability and compactness, which underlies the development and production of products in the SKB UKRELECTROMASH, ensure the reliability of constructions, their quality and durability. ELEVATOR ELECTRIC MOTORS AND WINCHES, MANUFACTURED BY THE SKB UKRELECTROMASH: • Electric motor of ADB160L6 / 18LBU type for gear winches is three-phase induction double-speed low-noise motor with squirrel-cage rotor, designed for driving passenger, cargo-passenger and freight elevators of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. This motor with the height of the rotation axis of 160 mm for use in high-rise buildings has IP10, and equipped with self-ventilation and built-in temperature sensors. • Electric motor of ADB180M6 / 18LBU type for gear winches is three-phase induction double -speed low-noise engine with squirrel-cage rotor, designed for driving passenger, cargo-passenger and freight elevators of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. This motor with the height of the rotation axis of 180 mm for use in high-rise buildings of 16 and more floors has a IP10, and equipped with self-ventilation and built-in temperature sensors. • The ADBH180L12LBU3 electric motor for driving gearless elevator winch is an induction motor with squirrel cage rotor, designed for operation from a frequency converter, with the regulation of the rotor speed. Regulation is carried out according to the scalar law of control. It is used in gearless elevator winches of modern elevators. • The elevator gearless winch on the basis of the frequency-controlled induction motor of ADBH180L12BU3 type with a rope-pull pulley is designed to create a traction force ensuring the movement of the elevator cabin with a 2:1 pulley suspension, lifting capacity of 630 kg and a speed of 1.6 m / s. Operates from the frequency converter. More Extra data Engineering and manufacturing center «SKB Ukrelectromash»

The costs for heating, air conditioning and ventilation are almost half of all building operating costs. In conditions of rising of gas prices and electricity tariffs, the reduction of energy consumption is a priority issue of state economic policy, not only for the effective functioning of industry, the agro-industrial complex, services and utilities, but also for achieving Ukraine's energy independence. As a rule, the solution of this issue is sought in the diversification of energy supplies, in the extraction of blue fuel and the development of shale gas, in the construction of LNG terminals or the replacement of gas with other fuels. Or in the direction of the development of "green" energy, which so far, unfortunately, Ukraine simply can not afford. It is the privilege of developed countries. Because, firstly, a huge amount of capital investment is required and, secondly, 1 kW of such energy costs significantly more than a kilowatt, obtained by traditional methods. Thus, alternative energy can develop exclusively through government subsidies and subsidies. HOW WE CAN SAVE GAS? Today, Ukraine has its own unique environmentally friendly technologies that significantly reduce gas and electricity consumption. For the last 7 years, the scientists of the UPEC Engineering Center of the Air Turbo Technologies have been working on the development of a new generation of climate systems based on the possibility of obtaining thermal energy from the surrounding air environment. The fundamentally new heat pump in the air cycle (TNVTs) is an alternative to the traditional (fuel combustion, electric heating) and expensive "green" technologies, and the kilowatt of heat produced is much cheaper than traditional methods. Experimental and industrial exploitation of the TNVTs showed a reduction in the total costs for heating and ventilation in industrial premises by more than 3 times for the heating season, which made it possible to proceed to the development of industrial production of these systems. Domestic developments have already received international recognition at international exhibitions, and the UPEC is negotiating with leading companies in various segments of the application of heat pump technology on the air cycle. Real economy In the TNVTs 1 kW of consumed electricity is transformed into 3-4 kWh of heat energy. The heating factor (COP) is 2.8-4.2, with a 100% fresh air supply.. The same air-cycle technology has also been developed an air-conditioning system (Air Cycle ATT HVAC system), which in winter works as a heat pump, and in the summer it is an air conditioner with COP 1,2-1,6 efficiency also with the possibility of a 100% fresh air intake. In comparison with traditional systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, the cost of equipping with systems on the air cycle is cheaper by at least 15-20%, since the Air Cycle ATT HVAC system combines these three functions. Unlike, for example, well-known ground heat pumps, installation of TNVTs or Air Cycle ATT HVAC system does not require expensive installation and construction works. The operating costs are reduced by several times, and the payback period for most facilities does not exceed 3-4 years. After that, thanks to triple saving, TNVTs actually starts making money. Vartan Petrosyants, Director and Chief Designer of the Engineering Center of Air Turbo Technologies of the UPEC Industrial Group: "For example, when installing TNVTs in the pool of a sports complex with a room volume of 7500 cubic meters, the difference in costs compared to the use of heating elements is 185 thousand UAH for a heating season, and if to compare with gas heating, then more than 215 thousand UAH. At the same time, TNVTs for the pool, combines 3 functions simultaneously: ventilation, heating and dehumidification. And when heating with electric heaters, drainage of the pool is carried out with the help of additional equipment and has additional costs". Step towards the energy independence Considering the significant economic effect of the use of heat pumps on the air cycle, the state needs to create conditions for the introduction of energy-saving technologies through public-private partnership mechanisms, priority lending, leasing programs with the involvement of international financial institutions (within the EBRD financing in Ukraine, the Alternative Energy Financing Program of Ukraine AEFPU) and the Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Improvement Program (UEEIP)). And if the creation of an infrastructure for the supply of liquefied gas and the drilling of shale gas wells will take years (and it is not certain that the price of this gas will be cheaper than imported gas), TNVTs implementation takes considerably less time and does not require budgetary expenditures. The initial costs are borne by the consumer, which must be provided with long, cheap money. And thus give an incentive for the widespread adoption of energy-saving technology, in order to obtain an effect on the scale of the country. For example, to replace consumption of 1 billion cubic meters of natural gas used for heating, there is has to be investment of less than $ 1 billion for the installation of heat pumps in the air cycle with a payback period of 3-4 years. These investments have a long-term effect and make it possible to take a real step towards increasing their energy independence. More Extra data Air climate control systems

Kharkov Bearing Plant HARP is the CIS leader in the manufacture of bearings for more than 60 years, and the HARP bearings are branded components, with quality guaranteed by own engineering developments, extremely precise technologies of manufacturing and assembly, metal conforming to the most stringent standards and certification. The best bearing for agricultural machinery - with the sealing of increased tightness X-SHIELD For more than 60 years the plant works for the agricultural market, studying and taking into consideration all the nuances and requirements for agricultural machinery. When developing new bearings there are considered conditions of the machinery operation, as well as structural modifications in the machinery of the CIS leading machine-building enterprises. Today, the plant mass-produces the bearing for agricultural machinery under the brand name HARP-AGRO, several types of which are assembled with improved sealing of increased tightness X-SHIELD (our own patent). Such bearings have the additional index K10 in the bearing’s designation. INCREASED TIGHTNESS It’s not a secret for anybody that agriculture machinery mostly operates in a hostile environment with dust, dirt and moisture. That’s why bearings for combine harvesters and tractors should have a higher tightness in comparison with other machines. The better the bearing is protected with a sealing, the longer it’s durability. X-SHIELD sealing allows the bearing, contacting with the dusty environment, to operate effectively even in extreme conditions of agricultural machinery exploitation and increases the service life of products. EXTERNAL PROTECTION HARP-AGRO bearings with X-SHIELD sealing feature with improved seal design, which ensures not only the increased tightness of the bearing, but also protection against external mechanical impact. The outer side of the K10 sealing is metal, thereby straw moving during operation of the harvester can not damage the sealing or get into the inner cavity of the bearing and prevent its normal operation. POLYAMIDE CAGE HARP bearings with X-SHIELD can be manufactured either with steel stamped cages or polyamide ones. Elasticity and light weight of polyamide cages positively affect the performance of bearings under shock loads, acceleration and braking, as well as at the mutual misalignment of rings. Polyamide cages have high friction and wear properties. RELIABILITY Reliability of HARP-AGRO bearings has been praised by leading CIS agricultural manufacturers, among which are: ROSTSELMASH combines — grain combines Acros, Torum, Vector, Niva; forage RSM, DON; agricultural machinery GOMSELMASH — PALESSE (forage, grain, sugar beet, potato harvesters, reapers); agriculture machinery BOBRUISKAGROMASH. HARP Bearings are chosen by the MINSK TRACTOR PLANT, BORISOV PLANT OF AGGREGATES, BOBRUISK PLANT OF TRACTOR PARTS AND UNITS, and by automotive plants: ZAZ, MINSK AUTOMOBILE PLANT, KAMAZ, AvtoKrAZ and GAS. Using HARP-AGRO bearings with X-SHIELD seal you protect yourself from damages and costly repairs of agricultural machinery that is especially important in the seasonal harvest. Kharkov Bearing Plant HARP is the CIS leader in manufacture of bearings for agricultural machinery engineering companies and a key supplier to transport machine engineering and railway industries. HARP products are also applied in the automotive, mining and electro-technical industries, as well as in mining-metallurgical complex. With Ukraine's largest park of CNC machines, the plant develops annually more than 15 new types of bearings. You can learn more about product range in the catalogue "HARP-AGRO bearings and bearing units " or download nomenclature About X-SHIELD brand read here For more information we invite you to the plant’s site