Research And Development Center

The Joint Engineering Centre (JEC) was established in 2008 to implement a new strategy of the UPEC Industrial Group, focused on the priority of engineering knowledge, development and manufacture of innovative products with a high intellectual level and, as a result, high value added.
The UPEC JEC performs basic and applied research and generates know-how for the UPEC Industrial Group and its Engineering Centers.
The Center is equipped with advanced software systems, knowledge bases, while the JEC staff, most of whom are Doctors (Dr.Sc.) and Candidates (PhD) of Science, has unique experience in conducting sophisticated research for aerospace and defense industries, energy and transport engineering, as well as other sectors of the economy. The JEC performs the most complex calculations and analysis, mathematical simulation for all product areas of the Industrial Group, together with the UPEC’s specialized engineering centers it takes designs to the prototype stage, simulates and optimizes basic technological processes; in cooperation with the leading European companies it develops new technologies and accompanies supply of the latest hi-tech equipment; tests them at the Testing Center and specialized experimental laboratories.
The Joint Engineering Center is headed by prof. Eduard Simson, member of the Board, R&D Director, Academician of Eng. Academy of Ukraine, Laureate of the National State Award, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, holder of the Ya.Mudrogo order, author of monographs and over 250 scientific papers in the field of optimization of complex structures under dynamic loads.
One of the most important task of the JEC is search, selection, verification and engineering support of the competitive advantages of the Company's to be put during the product planning stage to ensure high performance of technical level, offering optimal operating parameters, strength, durability, innovative modes of operation, energy-efficient operation etc.
International partnership in R&D
Due to the significant level of its fundamental research and applied development, the UPEC JEC gained wide international popularity. At the same time the JEC regularly attracts leading European engineering companies for outsourcing to develop separate units and technologies. Approximately 30 leading European engineering and more than 15 international production companies are involved in strategic developments of JEC.
Two projects of UPEC Industrial Group received the status of the World Premiere at Innotrans 2012 and 2014, the largest railway exhibition.
One project is nominated to Innovation Award of the greatest international agro-exhibition Agritechnic-2017.
The Joint Engineering Center includes:
- The Center for Mathematical Simulation (R&D)
- The Center for Integrated Engineering Automation (the largest project of the integrated CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP/PLM/PDM system was implemented in Eastern Europe and CIS, using the PTC software platform)
- The Center for Information Technology, Financial and Economic Analysis Automation, Enterprise Resource Planning (IT&ERP)
- The Ukrainian Design-Engineering Bureau of Bearing Industry (UKTB PP)
- The Experimental Design Bureau of Grinding Machines (OKBShS)
- The Special Design Bureau for Electric Engineering (SKB Ukrelectromash)
- The Ukrainian Design Bureau of Transmission and Chassis (UKBTSh)
- The Air Turbo Technology Department (ATT)
Research and development center
The main goal of the Research and Development Center is assistance for companies and engineering centers of the UPEC Industrial Group in its constant orientation on manufacturing of extremely high technology, highly profitable and competitive products, conducting of research, important for development of new designs of vehicles, components and units, providing of the UPEC companies with modern methods and program tools for calculations and optimal design process.
A wide range of special research and innovative developments performed in cooperation with UPEC’s specialized engineering centers and R&D-partners (including development of special greases and sealing systems; highly efficient renewable energy and life-support systems, climate systems, hybrid transmissions, testing rigs, which simulate the most realistic operating conditions, etc.).
The Motto of the R&D Center “intellect, embodied in metal” perfectly reflects the general dual overall challenge, which is to carry out fundamental and applied research on mathematic and free-size physical models, and further to embody the results of these studies into new designs and technological developments brought into mass production.
Mathematical simulation, analysis and optimal design services
Development of complex multidisciplinary finite element models of parts and assemblies for complex machines and devices with high level of elements’ interconnections (including for transport industry: railway car, bogie, side frame, bolster, side bearings, axle box, adapter with elastomeric pad, bearings, draft gears, electric drives and generators, electric turbocompressors, climate systems, electric pumps, gearboxes, hybrid hydro- and electromechanical transmission, special test rigs, etc.).
A comprehensive range of analysis:
- static (linear and non-linear);
- dynamic (resonance, impact, non-stationary, non-linear);
- fatigue;
- tribology;
- heat transfer;
- electromagnetic and others.
Optimal design of the shape and other variable parameters of machines, assemblies and parts basing on the Pareto-compromise between requirements for energy efficiency, long service lifetime, strength, reliability and cost restrictions.
Mathematical simulation of technologies (casting, hot and cold forging, rolling, heat treatment, machining, special chemical heat treatment, high-frequency induction hardening, etc.) and optimization of technological modes based on energy efficiency, lower material consumption, higher geometric accuracy, pre-defined material structure and surface integrity.