LOZOVA MACHINERY will open exhibition agricultural season 2018 in Ukraine by participation in the international exhibition GRAIN TECH EXPO 2018. The event will take place in Kyiv on February 21-23.
This year the large-scale exposition will cover area of 336 m2, where LOZOVA MACHINERY will present 6 products. These are key models, which have proven themselves successfully, and novelties of the last years, which are mass-produced today.
One of such models is the unique LIRA XL heavy tooth harrow, which is able to complete 5 operations for one pass. Maneuverable implement has high productivity of 25-30 ha/h. The implement can be equipped with LARI drag harrow due to unified frame construction. The harrow is efficient in spring and autumn and it can work on the field earlier than other machinery and in any weather conditions.
The model range of novelties also includes DINAR rotary harrow, designed for complete and inter-row tillage of grain and tillage crops and vegetables on all types of soil, including solid and rocky one. The implement works easily, when the plant is grew up and its height can reach 60 cm.
The CHERVONETS seedbed cultivator will also be presented to visitors. Multifunctional implement forms perfect seedbed. It provides qualitative preparation for seeding on small and big areas, consuming only 4 l/ha. The implement can be equipped with various tines, including springs-loaded.
On the stand of LOZOVA MACHINERY you will be able to see DUCAT disc harrows with working width 6 m. The agricultural implement has wearproof working tools, made of boron-containing steel and equipped with 3D-tine, providing high efficiency and reducing of fuel consumption by 20%.
The legendary LIRA tooth harrow will be also presented on the stand. It is one of the most demanded implements for spring seeding. The production of LOZOVA MACHINERY agricultural implements was started with this harrow more than 18 years ago. LOZOVA MACHINERY – MONEY WORKS!
We invite you to visit our stand in the hall №3 of the International Exhibition Center (15, Brovarskoy Ave., Kyiv).
«GRAIN TECH EXPO» – is an international exhibition, which contributes Ukrainian agricultural industry. It is aimed at promotion of innovative solutions at different production levels, storing, processing and transporting of grain, bean, cereals and oil-bearing crops. This year over 300 national and international companies will participate in this event.