Meeting with dealers
Within the event the partners visited Kharkov Bearing Plant. The dealers have got acquainted with modern machine-tool park and high-tech manufacturing processes, visiting forging, turning, heat-treatment, grinding-assembly, tool and precision bearings shops. The dealers had a good impression and noted the high progress of the company with 70-years history.
The excursion to the plant was followed by the round-table discussions, where the Automotive Division of UPEC and partners of HARP summed up the results of work in 2017, and also discussed plans of further fruitful cooperation.
Director of Sales Department Vitaliy Bugrov noted the positive dynamics of sales growth and successful development of international cooperation.
"For 2017 we have considerably expanded the dealers network both in Ukraine and abroad, and also have expanded geography of supplies, – says Vitaliy Bugrov. – HARP made an annual agreement for the supply of bearing products to the largest Bulgarian producer of agricultural machinery MetalAgro; the agreement on cooperation with the leading metallurgical company and global producer of the steel ArcelorMittal. We also signed an agreement on exclusive distribution with the Latvian company Ignera and established bilateral trade relations with Albania".
In addition, Director of Sales Department added that HARP resumed full-scale supplies to the largest enterprises of the CIS: GOMSELMAH, MINSK TRACTOR WORKS, BOBRUISKAGROMASH, BOBRUISK PLANT OF TRACTOR PARTS AND UNITS, AMKODOR.
The Head of Product Development Department Vitaliy Poletaev showed to the partners the stages of development and improvement of HARP products from the day of the plant's foundation till nowadays. He also presented novelties of 2017 and plans of products range development for 2018.
"This year we improved protection of the HARP AGRO bearings and developed new line of reinforced seals X-SHIELD-3 and X-SHIELD-6. On the basis of seals of increased tightness we created bearings and bearing units that are maintenance-free during the lifespan. These seals provide maximum protection against external impacts that is especially important for agricultural machinery. The number of modifications and types of bearing units produced by HARP has been increased by 66 units", – comments Vitaliy Poletaev.
Marketing Director Nataliia Akymenko summed up the results of HARP promotion in 2017 and presented to the partners the further strategy on bearings promotion to the market.
"The important and effective stages of HARP promotion were trainings and seminars for dealers' staff, as well as participation of HARP in all significant international and regional specialized exhibitions – this year there were 27 exhibitions in 12 countries. In 2018 we plan to participate in 31 exhibitions in 16 countries, including Finland, China, France and Italy", – says Marketing Director.
The official part of the meeting ended with the ceremonial awarding of the Authorized Dealer Certificates to LLC "IRBIS", LLC "Avtoprompodshipnik", LLC "Ukragrozapchastyna", LLC "Prompodshipnik", LLC "Omega-Avtopostavka", PE "PODSHIPNIKSBYT".