Focus-test, which was carried out on the black soil with 15 cm stubble of winter wheat (Krasnopavlovka village, Lozova district, Kharkiv region), has shown, that the best soil conditions are achieved due to design advantages of the GULDEN, in particular – additional rear tines intended for intensive mulching of the top soil to a depth of up to 20 cm.
“GULDEN is designed for primary deep soil cultivation and destruction of the plow sole in order to improve the soil water-air regime, – says Aleksey Grynenko, Chief Designer of the Ukrainian Design Bureau for Transmission and Chassis (UKBTSh). – Two rows of tines (the first row is for deep cultivation to a depth of up to 45 cm, the second additional row is for intensive mulching of the top soil to a depth of up to 25 cm) provide double loosening, thereby improving the ability of the soil to absorb and transmit water coming from the surface”.
Agriculture is a labor-intensive process that includes not only harvesting, but also a number of cultivating stages. One of the most important factors of soil treatment is the water permeability (the ability to accumulate moisture), which is 175% provided by the GULDEN subsoiler.
"Without deep loosening of the soil, there is a slowdown in water permeability, which entails the drops dripping during storm rains and, as a result, loss of yield and water erosion of the soil. Whereas the level of water permeability is several times higher after cultivation with the GULDEN, which ensures regulation of soil regimes and biological processes", – states Aleksey Grynenko.
LOZOVA MACHINERY represents on domestic and foreign markets a wide range of tillage aggregates, which are not only aimed to the maximum harvest, but also to maximum protection of natural resources.