The DINAR rotary harrow is designed for cultivation of tilled, technical and grain crops and can be aggregated with a tractor with capacity starting from 120 hp. The implement consists of seventy two sprocket wheels with a diameter of 534 mm mounted on the balance suspension. The advantage of such type of mounting of sprocket wheels compared to a rigid suspension is that constant contact of working tools with the soil is ensured, thus the dynamic load on the bearings is reduced. In addition, solid-cast sprockets are made of high-strength cast iron, which increases wear resistance of components.
The DINAR rotary harrow is based on a number of new technological solutions. Thus, the use of sprockets with an oblique tooth allows to adjust the intensity of cultivation and operate in several modes. In one mode working tools provide vertical entry into the soil, causing "microexplosion". At the same time, the soil is saturated with oxygen, and the probability of damage to cultivated plants is up to 1%, which is 10 times less than provided by other manufacturers. The second mode is ideal for stubble cultivation due to increased intensity of the soil attacking. In addition, the DINAR can be additionally equipped with spring teeth to destroy weeds in the "white thread" phase.
The new product of LOZOVA MACHINERY is going to be in high demand on the domestic market of agricultural machinery. "The DINAR rotary harrow has attracted the interest of many agrarians, as well as our dealers already at the development stage. We expect a high demand for this product, because we see that farmers need such type of implement with a set of advantages realized in DINAR", notes Director of Agriculture Machinery Sales Department Aleksandr Titov.