LOZOVA MACHINERY has won three tenders of “Ukragroleasing” for a total amount more than 4 000 000 UAH.

LOZOVA MACHINERY has won three tenders of “Ukragroleasing” for a total amount more than 4 000 000 UAH.

Since April this year LOZOVA MACHINERY has won 3 tenders for supplying of agricultural machinery to farmers through the National Joint Stock Company “Ukragroleasing” for a total amount more than 4 000 000 UAH.

In the first decade of September 2016 DUCAT-8 disc harrow has been already delivered to the lessee. As a result of participation and wins in two more tenders LOZOVA MACHINERY made contracts with “Ukragroleasing” for supplying of six DUCAT-5 disc harrows, one DUCAT -8, two DUCAT-4 and two CHERVONETS seedbed cultivators.

"After changes in the legislation on purchasing of agricultural machinery and equipment, the main factor for winning the tenders of “Ukragroleasing” is the compliance of the technical characteristics of agricultural machinery to the needs of farmers, which today, as practice shows, prefer high-tech resource-saving implements for efficient usage of available resources. LOZOVA MACHINERY implements by the number of innovative technical solutions have no analogues and competitors, that allows to win in tenders of “Ukragroleasing” for supplying of modern and energy-efficient tillage and seeding implements," – said Aleksandr Titov, Sales Director of Agricultural Division of the UPEC Industrial Group.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On public procurements", since August 2016 purchasing of agricultural machinery and equipment is carried out entirely through the ProZorro electronic system of public procurements. National Joint Stock Company “Ukragroleasing” started procurement of goods, works and services through electronic system of public procurements since April 2016.

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